It's Home Time

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Alex takes care of you when you're tipsy.


You'd been convinced you hadn't had as much to drink, not more than the others, not more than usual, but here you were, both hands propped against the doorframe on both sides to hold yourself steady. You couldn't remember that the door of your apartment was this wobbly, but then again, the whole room was spinning. You had no idea how you'd gotten up the stairs, or maybe you'd taken the lift?

A shaky breath escaped your lips and you furrowed your brows, wondering why Alex hadn't opened the door yet, but you were worried that if you took your hand off the door to actually knock, you'd fall over. You were barely holding yourself up, your head was spinning and then the door opened and you jumped.


Your eyes were wide open as you stumbled against him and he caught you without missing a beat, his strong arms wrapped around you tightly. "Wooops..." you giggled, instantly overwhelmed as the smell of alcohol and sweat was replaced with that of Alex's shampoo, the clean scent of his shirt and a hint of smoke. It took your breath away for a second and you pressed yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around his middle, intertwining your own fingers behind his back.

A low chuckle rumbled from his chest and you grew very aware of his heartbeat with his chest pressed close to yours. "Are yeh alreyht, me love?"

"Mmmm, yeah..." you hummed, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and rubbing your cold nose against his warm neck. "You smell so good, baby..."

He breathed out another chuckle, lifting his head slowly and tilting it back, exposing his neck more which you instantly used to your advantage, starting to press little kisses to his sensitive skin just below his ear, wet and sloppy and sucking occasionally, the low sound falling from his lips eliciting a dull ache between your legs instantly and you pressed yourself closer to him.

Alex had trouble resisting you, trembling slightly before he regained his composure, covering his moan up by clearing his throat and he gently moved his hands under your shoulders. "Babeh..." he drawled. "Babeh, look at meh." He guided your body backwards and your lips detached reluctantly from his skin as your eyes fluttered open, your hands moving to his shoulders.

"What?" You pouted.

His doe eyes stared right back into yours, his lips pressed together while he brought one of his hands up to brush back the loose strands of hair that had fallen into your face before cupping one of your cheeks, smiling softly to himself when you nuzzled into his touch.

"Al..." you moaned. "Let me make you feel good."

You received a soft giggle in response and he shook his head slightly, licking his lips. "Yeh're droonk, me love."

You sighed dramatically, having to force your eyes open now to keep them from shutting on their own. "Only a tiny bit..." you said, holding your hand up, your thumb and index hovering close together without touching but you stumbled towards Alex instantly without the additional support of your hand on his shoulder.

He laughed, wrapping his arms quickly around you again to hold you upright. "Joost 'ow mooch did yeh 'ave?" He asked, unable to keep his amusement to himself.

"Few cocktails, a beer, maybe ... two shots ... or three?" You mumbled, unsure if you were even coherent and you looked back at him with wide eyes as he moved your arm around his shoulders so he could navigate you to the bedroom. "Alexanderrrr..." you whined dramatically. "What're you doing?"

He giggled, half-leading, half-carrying you, his arms securely wrapped around you. "I'm takin' yeh teh bed, babeh. So yeh can rest and sleep off yehr buzz."

"Nooo, I'm not tired" you protested, contrary to your claim sinking down on the edge of the bed gladly, letting yourself fall back and you giggled as you hit the mattress.

"Yeh don't 'ave teh do anehfin', darlin'..." he assured you, moving to take hold of one of your legs and slipping off your shoe, dropping it to the side, then doing the same with the other.

"Mmmm, you're undressing me though" you giggled, propping yourself up on your elbows to look at him, your head spinning instantly and you had to force your eyes open. "Are you gonna come love me, baby?"

Alex chuckled, shaking his head and biting his lip to suppress what you assumed to be a giggle. "Oh, I'm gunna love yeh alreyht, but not the way yeh mean reyht now..."

You sighed. "Why are you laughing at me, Alexander?" You whined, pushing your bottom lip forward with a pout. "I want you, baby ... why don't you want me?"

"Oh, babeh..." he sighed, moving his hands slowly up your legs, peeling the leggings down your legs. "I want yeh. I always do. But I fink yeh need rest."

"Please..." you mumbled, your head falling back on the mattress again, your eyes closing. Now the room was really spinning, it was like the bed was spinning, floating in the room, Alex's hands on your legs the only thing somewhat telling you that it was just your drunken mind playing tricks on you.

You didn't feel that drunk, just fuzzy, light-headed and you really, really wanted Alex, but there was nothing sexual about the way he started undoing the buttons of your shirt, and the look in his eyes was love, adoration, even worry rather than lust.

"Love, sit up for meh..." he said, moving your shirt to both sides of your body and looping one arm around you, sitting you up with ease, his hand cupping the back of your neck as if to hold up a baby's head and keep it from falling. You giggled. It was ridiculous, but you knew it wouldn't have been a very nice feeling had he not held your head.

You were starting to shiver now, feeling shivers crawl up your skin and you pressed your lips together, looking back at Alex through half-lidded eyes.

"Yeh readeh teh lie down, me love?" He asked softly as he slid the sleeves down your arms, holding you up with one, then the other arm wrapped around you. "D'yeh feel like yeh're gunna beh sick?"

You pouted. "No!" You exclaimed, surprising both Alex and yourself with the volume of your voice and you sighed, sinking back into his arms instantly.

He chuckled, shuffling back and lifting the covers, lying your head carefully down on the pillow before tucking you in. "I know yeh're chilleh, babeh, I'll warm yeh up in a second..." He stood up and you sighed, shivering again as you already missed him but he didn't give you much time to, stepping out of his sweatpants and pulling his shirt over his head before switching off the lights and crawling under the covers with you, arranging them so you were both tucked in safely and warm underneath them, his arms snaking around you and pulling you close to his chest.

You placed your leg over his hip, pulling yourself closer to him and making him giggle. "Darlin', I dun't 'ave tha' mooch self-control" he chuckled.

"Mmmm, then let go..." you sighed. "You're so hot, baby, I need you..." You reached up to brush your fingers through his fluffy hair. "Like sooo bad..."

"Aren't yeh sleepeh, love?" He asked, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head, squeezing you gently in his arms.

Your eyes had now fallen shut and as soon as he had guided your head to his chest and you nuzzled against his neck, pressing your hand to his warm chest as the warmth slowly washed over you, you stopped shivering and could focus on him completely. Before you realised, the room had stopped spinning and a sense of safety and security washed over you, one that only Alex could give you.

The beat of his heart was now starting to soothe you, a steady rhythm to slowly lull you to sleep and the soft breaths falling from his lips, tickling your skin, sleep was slowly starting to catch up with you, lust turning into a simple need for affection and you snuggled up closer to him, his arm wrapping instinctively closer around you, running his fingers through your hair soothingly.

"Can't believe you don't want me..." you mumbled, more jokingly than anything else, but it was worth the soft cackle against your hair.

"I promise, babeh..." Alex mumbled, his voice now thick with sleep, mumbling softly. "I'm gunna show yeh joost 'ow much I want yeh in the mornin', babeh, gunna fook yehr 'angover aweh..."

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