Rays of Light (Part One)

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Alex meets your dog.


The lift sped up, faster and faster, past the lower floors with increasing speed before it jerked up into place and stopped, the doors sliding open with a ding. Alex grinned at you, wiggling his eyebrows, making you roll your eyes jokingly.

"I can't believe how excited you are for this" you teased, shaking your head at him as you exited the lift and led him down the hall to your apartment door.

He raised an eyebrow. "Wha'? Seein' yehr place for the first time? That's realleh summat. I mean, seein' yehr vereh personal oasis that yeh come back teh evereh deh? I fink it's interestin' teh see 'ow yeh live, love" he explained. "Like ... yeh're realleh lettin' meh in."

"How we live" you corrected him, fumbling for your keys in your handbag. "Don't forget the most important man in my life. Gokú. My little ray of light."

Alex pouted. "I thought tha' were meh..." he said with a dramatic sigh.

"As much as I like you..." you giggled. "... I've known you for about two months and Gokú has been with me for almost six years. But you ... are quite the light too." You unlocked the door, already hearing the heavy steps inside. As you pushed the door open, there was a happy bark and Gokú appeared by the door, wagging his tail and shuffling about happily as you ran your fingers through his fur on his head, kneeling down to cuddle him.

"Hi, big boy, hi ... yes, I missed you too! Have you been a good boy?"

He gave another bark, looking from you to Alex. "He's going to calm down in a moment" you assured Alex, walking around to close the door with all 150 pounds of Gokú wiggling excitedly following your every step.

Alex hesitantly took off his jacket and hung it up, following you and Gokú into the living room but when you turned around to look at him over your shoulder, he seemed rather on guard.

"He won't bite" you said. "Like, he's just excited. He's never bitten anybody. Come on!" You gestured for him to sit down on the sofa next to you, reaching over to the table to grab the bag of treats you had for the huge Golden Retriever now sitting expectantly in front of you without you even having given him a command.

"You're such a good boy!" You said happily and pet his head before feeding him the treat. "Well done!" He nuzzled into your hand as you ruffled his fur and you smiled. "You wanna meet someone special?" You asked him, your voice rising in pitch to also raise Gokú's excitement.

His ears perked up and he barked, watching you when you took out another treat and handed it to Alex. "Just so he gets a little more interested in you" you smiled. "Let him sniff you and get to know you."

"Realleh?" Alex asked, seeming rather doubtful. "He didn't look to excited about me when I came in."

You waved it off. "It's just because he doesn't know you yet, come on" you smiled.

Alex nodded and held the treat out for Gokú who slowly trotted over to him, curiously sniffing Alex's knees. "Hey, buddeh..." Alex said carefully, lifting his free hand hesitantly to pet Gokú but he ducked away, sniffing and walking to Alex's side, shoving his face against his face but moving again when Alex attempted to touch him. "H-He doesn't want meh teh pet 'im..." Alex said, biting his lip.

"Give him a moment" you smiled. "Just let him sniff you and get used to you."

Alex sighed. "Are yeh sure?" He asked.

You nodded. "Yes. And it's really important to me that you two get along" you said and leaned over to press a soft kiss to his lips, feeling him relax instantly as you placed your hand at the back of his neck and he leaned in, kissing you back, wrapping his arm around your side and pulling you closer.

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