Musical Puppies 🌈

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You (NB reader) and Alex adopt a puppy together.


As the city rushed by, the raindrops dancing down the window on the passenger side of the car, you tried to stay quiet and contain your curiosity and excitement. Alex had never surprised you with anything before and you were glad he hadn't because this drive alone was driving you crazy.

"Please tell me where we're going" you requested.

Alex chuckled, turning his head slightly to look at you from the corner of his eye but not taking his attention completely off the road ahead. "Be patient, babeh..." he smirked.

You could tell that he was amused by your impatience just as much as he was proud that he had you on the edge of your seat, quite literally. "A hint maybe?" You attempted.

"Weh're almost there" he responded calmly.

You sighed, crossing your arms in front of your chest and leaning back, closing your eyes for a moment as you had no idea where he was taking you around this part of town anyway.

"It will beh worth the wait" Alex promised.

You opened your eyes, licking your lips. "I hope so" you replied with a dramatic sigh.

He took a turn at the next corner before driving up past a gate and into one of the parking spots.

The moment you spotted the sign of the place he was parking next to, your eyes had grown wide with disbelief but most all, excitement.

"Alex!" You gasped. "No!"

He laughed at the sparkle in your eyes. "Yeh" he said with a smirk, nodding. "Promised yeh, didn't I?"

You bit your lip, throwing your arms around his neck, not caring that the gear lever was poking into your thigh. "I can't believe it!" You said.

He wrapped his arms around you, giving you a gentle squeeze. "Yeh better believe it" he laughed softly, chuckling when you drew away, still beaming back at him.

"What're we getting?" You asked as he opened the door and stepped out.

Before you could even turn and gather yourself, he'd already walked around the car and opened the door for you.

"It's up teh yeh, love" Alex said, a hint of pink creeping into his cheeks when you stepped out of the car and pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek.

"Ohhh, I don't think I'll be able to decide once we go in there" you laughed, shutting the door and leaning close to him when he laced your fingers together and led you away from the car and into the animal shelter.

You had been nagging him with wanting a pet for the longest time, showing him photos of all sorts of adorable animals, no matter if they were a realistic pet or not. At the zoo, you had pointed out different kinds of animals, whenever you walked past someone walking their dog, you were not short of comments. And you knew Alex loved animals too and he'd been quite realistic about it all along which you were happy about but that only had you more excited now. Now that you had lived with him for a few months and that he was not constantly traveling, he seemed to be ready for a pet and you could now not possibly be happier.

Giddy with excitement, you began to lead the way and walked faster than him, making him chuckle at your enthusiasm.

As you'd made it inside, a lady with a yellow shirt that had the silhouette of a dog on it stepped up and greeted you. "Hello! How may I help you?" She asked.

"Weh're lookin to adopt a pet together" Alex said, making you squeeze his hand happily.

"Have you thought of anything specific? We have dogs, cats, bunnies, some guinea pigs, different birds..."

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