Mountain Man

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You trim Alex's beard after he's ordered a beard care kit online.


All windows open, the curtains flying into the flat with the warm breeze that carressed your bare legs as you laid sprawled out on the sofa, reading eagerly through the last pages of your book, you could hear the car pull up outside, the engine shutting off and the door opening, his boots' heels clicking on the stone-pathed driveway.

Wanting to finish your book before he'd come inside, you tried to move your eyes across the pages faster, processing the words, anticipating the ending that the last two chapters had been leading up to. You heard the key turn in the door as you turned to the second last page, forced to look up when he stepped into the room straight away, the stereo on full blast giving away your presence and location in the apartment.

"Just one sec" you said, smiling when you saw him but holding your hand up as a sign for him to wait. He furrowed his brows, putting down his keys before sitting down in front of the couch where you had laid down, leaning his back against it and pulling his knees up, running his fingers over your thigh.

"Gon all day and tha's the greetin' I get?" he mumbled with a playful pout.

You rolled your eyes, moving your fingers absently to brush through his hair. "Almost done."

Seeing him open his mouth to say something from the corner of your eye, you shook your head without looking at him, still reading. "Almost" you repeated. "Last page."

He sighed. "Makes a man feel special..." he joked.



There was silence for a moment and you felt him move into the touch of your fingers in his hair. You smiled before dramatically shutting the book and dropping it down on the table. "All done!"

Lifting his head, the corners of his lips quirked up and he pushed himself to his feet, only to crawl over you on the sofa.

"Heyy, take off your shoes!" you giggled as he trapped you between his body and the couch, one hand gently brushing back your hair, the other steadying him beside your hip.

He kicked off his precious boots and you heard them drop down on the carpet while his fingers laced into your hair tilted your head back a little, his face hovering just above yours, your foreheads lightly touching.

Your heart fluttered and you couldn't help but smile as you looked up to see his soft gaze meet yours before he leaned down to press his lips to yours in a soft kiss.

You wrapped both arms around his neck, your body instantly arching off the sofa and against his as you kissed him back needily, making him sigh softly against your lips as he played with the loose strands of hair that had fallen from your ponytail at the back of your neck, making you want him closer.

He pulled back for a moment but only to trace small kisses down your jaw and over your neck, nuzzling against your shoulder, making your squirm and giggle.

"That tickles!" you squealed but had no chance of escaping as you were trapped underneath him and he sucked playfully on the soft skin of your neck, purposely wiggling his head a little to tickle you with the soft fuzz on his chin.

You ran your fingers through his hair that had grown longer past his neck and gently tugged on it to lift his face from your shoulder though finding it particularly difficult with the way his lips against your skin made you feel hotter on the inside instantly. "Speaking of that..."

He raised his eyebrows, a soft sigh escaping his lips from your fingers tugging on his soft brown locks. "Yeah?" he asked.

You'd teased him about growing facial hair from the start, just playfully, at first enjoying the scruff but then finding it adorable when he got excited about letting it grow out more to see how long it would actually get. "...that untamed beast..."

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