Playing The Fools 🌈

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You (male reader) and Alex are dared to kiss in a game of spin the bottle and you realise that maybe you feel something for him beyond the game.


The booze was flowing, the bass thudding as if it was bouncing off the walls, of the small room, slowly but surely making its way into your chest, syncing with your heartbeat before you even knew it was happening.

"Let's 'ave another, eh?" Alex drawled beside you, taking two shot glasses from the plate functioning as a tray going around the circle and handing you the fuller one.

You laughed. "It's not even our turn yet" you called over the music, shaking your head at him.

"Don't matter, does it?" He shrugged, tilting his head back to down the shot quickly, then placing the glass in front of him. "I need another for the actual game..."

Smiling to yourself, you reached for the plate to grab another for him. "Save this one" you laughed, fixing his hair that was standing up messily on his head after he'd pulled his sweater over his head after announcing he was hot and you couldn't blame him, the air was thick inside the room, smoke floating above your heads here and there and despite the window being slightly ajar to let in air but not let out too much sound.

Alex nodded obediently, swaying to the side, his arm resting against yours. He'd had too much to drink already probably, and you hoped it wouldn't get to it being his turn too many times during the game when your friend opposite you in the circle spun the bottle again, or at least that he'd be up to the challenges so he at least wouldn't have to take more shots.

You were only feeling a little light-headed, definitely didn't feel like taking any more shots you didn't have to due to the rules and you let your eyes wander across the room to look at the others, some still energized and ready to party, some leaning on their friends' shoulders, only sitting up if it was actually their turn.

"Ayeee, yehr turn, mate" Alex mumbled and you felt him poke your cheek lightly, giggling.

You looked down at the bottle in the middle of the circle, needing a moment for your eyes to focus and for you to comprehend that the tip of the bottle was pointing to you.

"Or yeh, Al" Jamie mumbled from next to you on the other side. "Yeh're so close together, 's not realleh tha' clear..."

"How about both of them then?" Someone else called from the other side of the room, one of the girls you had never officially met before tonight's party, just someone in your year, and you had no idea what she was about to drop, but she was the one that had spun the bottle. "How about yeh and Al kiss, huh?"

You felt Alex tense beside you, his body swaying to the other side so your arms were no longer touching. "U-Um..." he mumbled.

You blushed, biting your lip as you risked looking over at him. His face was flushed too, his fingers fumbling with his ring and he avoided looking back at you so you had half reached for your shot already when he grabbed your wrist to stop you, his eyes meeting yours.

"W-We really don't have to..." you assured him, or maybe yourself, you didn't really know. You didn't know why your heart was racing, why the thought of kissing Al made you much more nervous than any other dare could've. "I'm fine taking another shot."

Alex shook his head, mumbled something that was too quiet to hear over the music and you heard someone cheer, someone whistled and then, next thing you knew, Alex was pressing his lips against yours.

Your eyes fluttered shut, your lips melting against his and it felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest. He tasted like liquor, the strong shot he'd taken, like smoke because he'd taken a drag from someone else's cigarette earlier, but also slightly sweet, a hint of the cherry bubblegum he'd purchased at the cornershop earlier when you'd been walking to the party. His lips were chapped, but soft nonetheless and he pulled away way too soon.

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