We All Disagree (Part Two)

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"Last night she said
Oh baby I feel so down
Oh it turn me off
When I feel left out
So I, I turned around
Oh maybe I don't care no more
I know this for sure
I'm walking out that door..."

"Well, tha's fookin' fittin', innit?"

You lifted your gaze from your glass to look at Alex, smiling and taking a sip from your drink to try his recommendation, licking your lips. "Mmm, believe it or not but I can sing along to it all now."

He raised his eyebrows in exaggerated surprise, raking his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame the loose strands that had fallen over his forehead, while he usually slicked his hair back, it was messy now, and you wondered if he regretted not bringing pomade so he could fix it up in the bathroom.

"Well I've been in town for just now fifteen oh minutes now
Oh baby I feel so down
And I don't know why
I've been walking for miles..."

You swayed your hips as you sang along to the song blaring from the jukebox in the back, loud enough to reach the bar and your heart felt lighter when you saw Alex smile back at you, giving a wiggle of his eyebrows and mouthing along as well before placing a cigarette between his lips and flicking open his lighter to burn the tip, then taking a long drag and blowing it to the side, holding the pack out for you as an offer, then dropping it into his top pocket when you declined, instead taking another sip of your drink, a slow nod of approval as he watched you closely for your reaction.

"It's good" you smiled.

His eyes lit up even further and he took a drink of his whisky, chuckling. "I knew yeh'd like tha'" he stated proudly before diverting his gaze, his eyes widening as he looked over your shoulder and you turned around curiously. "Fink they're almost done" he said, giving a nod to point to the two men in the back occupying the pool table. "D'yeh wanna play?"

"Sure" you shrugged. "Don't remember the last time I played but ... can't be that hard."

He nodded in agreement, taking another drag from his cigarette. "So, 'ave yeh made up yehr mind yet?" He asked. "Tha knows, 'bout comin' teh the other Strokes show wif meh?"

"You're sure you want me to?" You asked.

He licked his lips, raising his eyebrows. "Well, were fookin' great last time, yeh and I, reyht?"

"U-Um..." You pressed your lips together, despite the prominent buzz you'd acquired over the course of the referenced night, you could remember it only too vividly, felt the cold brick wall against your back, lost in a cloud of smoke and the spice of his cologne that you found yourself hopeful to breathe in again every time you leaned closer for that very reason, could remember the way his lips had moved with yours, eager and chapped and in a way that had you reconsidering all your previous prejudices towards him now that you'd seen he could be just as charming as your friend had told you, his humour, the passion and excitement he developed when he spoke about and moved to his favourite music, it was as attractive as the features of his face, his slicked back hair, his personal style.

"Yeah?" He teased, a smug smirk playing around his lips and you were certain he could tell what was going through your mind.

You'd been hesitant about admitting how wrong you'd been, although it was usually not that big of an issue for you, and as much as you knew now that his cocky behaviour was hardly more than a bit of show, you still found yourself too proud to give in completely, make it too easy for him, even though you'd misjudged him. "Yeah."

He gave a satisfied smile before taking another sip from his glass, picking it up, then crushing his cigarette in the ashtray in front of him after one last drag, pushing himself off the bar and nodding for you to follow and you finished your own drink, walked to the back closely behind him, the smell of smoke decreasing while the music grew louder.

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