Oh, Don't Ask Why

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You've gotten drunk at the pub and Alex finally gathers up the courage to talk to you and wants to make sure you're safe.

"Well show me the way
To the next whisky bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why..."

You took another shot, sighing and wondering if maybe you should have stayed home. But then again, getting drunk ... wasn't that what you were supposed to do after a bad break up?

Yes. Yes, it was. But it had been a while. And if you were honest with yourself, you weren't having one shot of vodka after another because you couldn't get over your break up. It was more the feeling of loneliness that had settled in now, you'd been alone for a while and you had thought you'd be comfortable with it and of course, it had its upsides. There was no one that you had to pay attention to but yourself, no compromises.

But you liked doing that, you liked taking care of somebody, working together and giving and receiving support. So what you were really upset about and five shots in over was the fact that you were alone and that you didn't want to be. And most of all, the fear that it'd stay that way.

You licked your lips before hopping off the bar stool, instantly feeling unstable on your feet. Wasn't it always the way? You didn't think you were that drunk but as soon as you weren't sitting anymore, your balance would betray you.

Wobbling to the bathroom, you tried to hold on wherever you could, embarrassing yourself a few times when you stumbled into the back of someone's chair or bumped accidentally against somebody's arm. You cursed yourself under your breath for allowing yourself to get carried away, finally making it to the bathroom.

As expected, there were two or three women already waiting for their turn and you sighed, leaning back against the door frame, holding the door open carefully. One of the women coming out of the stalls gave you a worried look and probably wondered if you were by yourself.

Yes, you were by yourself. But you had been here by yourself multiple times, be it on a night like this, or after friends had already gone home. The bartender knew you enough to recognise you and some of the other regulars also looked familiar. You'd also noticed that group of cute guys in the back that came down here sometimes, one of them having smiled at you multiple times when you'd been at the pub with friends. But that was when you'd been all dolled up, full face of make up, strategically selected outfit, heels and all. But none of that was the case today, so you'd been staying at the bar at the front of the pub, far away from their table in their back, covering your face when you'd passed them on your way to the bathroom. Not that you expected him to notice you looking like this anyway, but you also somehow didn't want to make a fool of yourself. You needed one cute guy to only know you in your well put together, cute version.

Once you were done and came out of the stall once it'd finally been your turn, you washed your hands and also sprayed some cold water into your face to freshen up. There was no make up you could wash away and your bare face was completely on display. But at least your waterproof mascara kept its promise.

Heading back to the bar, you pretended to run your fingers through your hair so your arm was blocking view of your face from the side where you knew the group of guys sat. You heard their laughter, heard the voice of the particularly cute one with the big brown eyes and the perfect hair but quickly rushed back to your stool you'd occupied for the past hour.

You stumbled but managed to not draw any attention to yourself and sat back down, ordering some whisky. The bartender gave you a worried look but assessed you were good, also, you didn't live too far and he knew that so he poured you your drink.

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