Hold Me

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Alex comforts you.


"Me darlin', are yeh sure tha' yeh wouldn't rather just go 'ome? Weh don't 'ave teh do this todeh, weh can come back another time."

You shook your head quickly, looking up at him through the blur of tears in your eyes. "No, please" you insisted, looking out at the dark red streaks in the light blue sky, swirling with shades of yellow and orange. "As long as you're with me, I'm okay..."

Alex swallowed, biting his lip but slowly got out of the car. You fumbled with your jacket and pulled up the zipper and he came to open your door as well, holding his hand out for you to help you out as well. "Are yeh realleh sure?" He asked softly again.

You nodded your head. "Yeah, I'm sure." You had spent the whole drive to the beach just telling him about what had undoubtedly been the worst day of your life. And he'd kept driving as you'd asked, kept listening, not interrupting you once. He was so good to you all of the time, so patient and so loving that sometimes you couldn't quite believe how lucky you were that you had him to come back to when things got rough.

Alex opened the trunk of the car and took out two bags, setting them down for a moment and pulling a hoodie over his head before shutting the drunk and locking the car. "Yeh readeh then, love?" He asked softly as he walked back over to you.

You gave him a weak smile, offering to carry something with a gesture but he just waved it off, pressing a kiss to your cheek and then started to head to the beach. You followed him, the ocean air whipping your hair around your face and you quickly grabbed a scrunchie to tie it back. "Wait" you said softly once you reached the sand and he turned to watch you slip out of your shoes and pick them up before following him again but falling behind a little due to the wind.

You inhaled deeply, breathing in the salty smell of sea and sand, glad that you'd decided to stick with your plan today and not insisted on staying home. There was not a soul in sight and it looked like the beach stretched out for miles, just you and Alex and the breathtaking colours of the horizon in the distance, shimmering and melting into the ocean.

Alex turned around once you had reached the shore and set the bags down in the sand where the water rushing up the sand came close but didn't quite manage to reach. "Yeh alreyht?" He asked, kneeling down and starting to unpack the bags, looking up at you.

You licked your lips, nodding as you approached him. "Can I help?" You asked quietly as he began setting up a beach shelter.

He shook his head. "Maybeh just take out the blankets?" He said. "Because I can tell yeh're cold, me love."

Kneeling down as well, you pulled a few blankets from the larger bag, instantly wrapping one around your shoulders. "Thank you for this" you whispered. "I ... I'm just sorry that I can't ... that I'm not enjoying it the same way I would've if..."

"No" he said, shaking his head as he interrupted you now. "Please. Yeh 'ave nothin' teh apologize for because when yeh're sad, yeh're sad, love. Tha's just 'ow life is unfortunateleh." He propped up the material of the beach shelter before picking up two of the blankets to lay them out on the bottom of it so you would have something more warm to sit on.

You sighed, pulling the bags along when he turned the half-tent to shield you from the wind and climbed in to sit down, a perfect view of the sunset over the ocean right in front of you. "But why does life have to be like that? It's not fair, it's ... I feel so lost." You cuddled tighter into the blanket around your shoulders, sighing when Alex also snuggled up in a blanket and moved to lift yours so he could sneak his arm around you and pull you close. "What do I do?" You whispered as you cuddled up to his side.

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