You Got Me

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Alex reassures you about not being traditionally feminine.


You kept scrolling and scrolling, your eyes scanning the screen, sometimes skimming, sometimes reading every single word of the tweets and even though you knew you shouldn't, you couldn't stop as you felt like your heart grew heavier and heavier the more you read. It was like you had to know it all, see everything that people said so nothing could take you by surprise anymore, make you feel bad because it were new insults, new negative comments. Sometimes the terrible words were accompanied by a photo, a snapshot from one of your dates with Alex, or a photo you'd posted online yourself.

You snapped out of it when your bus stop was announced, shivering when you realised tears had been running down your face. You pulled yourself up from your seat and headed down to the door, shoving your phone into your pocket and wiping your face with the sleeve of your jacket.

At least make a little bit of an effort, look who you're dating. Doesn't he deserve that? Put on some make up, wear a pretty dress every once in a while

You swallowed, the words you'd now read several times in different versions of comments and tweets swirling around in your head. Alex had told you to disregard everything the fans were saying, that none of it mattered because it didn't matter what people thought your appearance and they didn't know you anyway. They were judging something that they didn't have the right to judge.

The doors slid open and you hopped off the bus, stopping for a moment on the side to tie your shoelaces.

So, is Alex officially bi now?

When you stood up straight again, you could already see Alex waiting for you in the distance, his nose buried in a small book as he was leaning against the brick wall next to the door of your favourite café.

You zipped up your jacket and stuffed your hands into the pockets as you headed down the pavement and approached him, smiling to yourself. He was so lost in the pages of the book, he didn't notice anything that was going on around him. There could have been an earthquake and he would have stayed absorbed by whatever had him so captivated.

You hated to interrupt him and you could have watched him reading for hours but knew he'd feel bad for not noticing you straight away anyway. "Earth to Turner" you spoke softly.

His eyes snapped up and a large smile spread across his face. He shut the book and instantly wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you gently and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.

You sighed, hugging him back with relief, trying to focus on nothing but him, his scent that surrounded you, his warmth and his arms around you but the harsh words from the people online that should have carried no weight for you wouldn't give you any peace.

I doubt they're actually dating, they're more like bros. I mean, look at his usual type, that's not her

"I missed yeh, babeh" he said when he drew back, pecking your lips softly. "Sorreh, I were ... vereh distracted." He put the poetry book into the pocket of his leather jacket before grabbing your hand to lead you inside the café, pushing the door open and holding it open for you.

You stepped inside, the pleasant scent of coffee and crossaints filling your nose. "Thank you" you smiled and kissed his cheek. "I missed you too."

He led you over to a table by the window, putting down his phone on the table. "I'll beh reyht back" he told you with a smile before heading to the counter to get you your food and drinks. You had done this so many times, he knew you better than you knew yourself, he knew just what you wanted.

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