Gaze Skyward

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Alexander takes you on a date to the pier.


The sun was high in the sky, almost blinding when you looked out across the ocean, the stretch of the horizon, but there was a chill in the wind that swept across the pier, leaving you thankful for the large scarf wound around your neck, the new jacket with padded pockets that you could bury your hands in, the headband that was keeping your ears warm.

You looked over at Alex, knew you'd pushed and pushed for him to wear something warmer than his leather jacket for a reason, content as he stared back at you, his own mouth concealed by his scarf, half of it tucked into the top of his marine blue peacoat. He caught a glimpse of your stare from the corner of his eye, tilting his head to look at you, his lips pulling into an amused smile.

"Yeh're finkin' I should've worn a 'at, I kno'..." he mused, untangling his arm from yours and holding his hand out for yours, wiggling his fingers. "I'm alrehyt though, I promise."

You licked your lips, nodding slowly, drawing your hand out of your pocket and letting him take your hand, his palm surprisingly warm. "Your ears are red."

He chuckled, shrugging it off, squeezing your hand as he led you through the white gate ahead. "Let meh get yeh sum 'ot chocolate teh warm yeh up sum, eh?"

You squeezed back his hand, nodding and letting him lead the way to a booth not too far from the entrance you'd come through, watched the excitement on his face, the joy his happiness instilled within you undeniable. Despite the lack of a hat, his hair was fluffy, without product and messed up further from the wind, falling into his eyes every now and then, yet framing his face beautifully, accentuating the curve of his nose, the edge of his jaw.

As you managed to tear your gaze from him, let it wander across the fairground, took the in the colourful light spectacle from the string lights over the booths, the different rides, the blinking pattern of colours on the large wheel, you found yourself holding on tighter to Alex's hand, realising yet again how much you cherished these dates with him. Although you'd been with him long enough that first times had become a rarity, that traditional dates should have seemed strange by now, you adored his efforts to never let it come to that, planning dates as if he were still wooing you, as if he were taking you out for the first, second, third time when really, you'd lost count of all the unforgettable nights he'd planned as they'd grown by large numbers.


His drawl drew you from your thoughts, making you blink and look back at him, your lips curling into a natural smile, your heart skipping a beat from the way he looked at you, the depth of the warm chocolate brown never failing to hypnotise you. "Yes?"

"D'yeh want cream 'n marshmallows?" he hummed.

You looked from him to the lady behind the booth, nodding quickly. "Yes, sorry," you said, stepping closer to him and resting your head against his shoulder, the material of his coat soft against your cheek.

"Tha's me girl," he laughed, well aware you craved the addition of sugar as much as he did and just as you let go of his hand to reach for your purse, Alex was already paying, giving you a wink, the cheek in his gaze leaving you unable to argue with him and he picked up the two mugs, then nodded for you to go ahead to one of the tables on the side, setting them down and smiling at you lovingly.

"Thank you," you said, reaching out to brush back a few stray curls that had fallen over his forehead again, smiling to yourself when his eyes fell shut and he tilted almost automatically into your touch as you smoothed your fingers through his hair. "Are you tired, baby?" you giggled.

His eyes opened again instantly, his bottom lip pushed out in a pout. "'m alreyht," he assured you with wide eyes, inhaling deeply. "The date 'as onleh joost begun."

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