Be Mine

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Valentine's Day with Alex.


Everywhere you went, you were overwhelmed with the smell of sweet flowers, roses and tulips mixing with chocolates and colourful heart candy and any other treat that the lovers of the world could think of. You'd been trying to get through the day without any in depth thoughts about what day it actually was, refusing to allow it to get you down, especially because you had a valentine, he just wasn't in the country. Not yet anyway.

You knew you'd see him soon enough, and as happy as you were that others were as happy as you, you missed him terribly, envied those that had gotten to wake up with their significant others, those who had been able to have breakfast together, exchange presents in bed, maybe even take the day off in order to spend time with one another. You were ready to get away, but there was nowhere you could possibly go, the café you frequented in your lunch breaks to get away from those you didn't like at work would be full of lovers, heart-shaped pastries and overly charming service. You contemplated for a moment if you should lock yourself in the bathroom, but you were positive that even there, someone would have refilled the soap suspender with a pink glittery liquid purposely. Some of your colleagues were like that.

In an attempt to shake off your cynical mood, you stood and pulled on your coat, hoping to just go outside and spot a place that wasn't overly decorated. You'd be ready to join the madness once you would actually find the one you were mad over.

You'd woken up to a voice recording in the morning – having taught Alex how to do that just a few weeks prior – of Alex crooning your favourite AM song, soft and quiet, his voice thick with sleep, yet taken very seriously, the shuffling around him and the echo of announcements suggesting he was already at the airport, prioritising you, as always. And hearing his voice had you now missing him more, desperate to see him, to feel his arms around you, to just have that reassurance.

Despite the reservation you had towards everyone else, you were guilty of having replayed that audio more than you cared to admit, going over and over again over his dedication at the end of it.

"I love yeh so mooch, darlin', I miss yeh and I'm gunna beh wif yeh soon. I promise weh're gunna 'ave a great night, forgive meh for not bein' able teh spend the whole day wif yeh but I'm gunna make it all up teh yeh. Gunna give yeh the best valentine's day, me love. I'm yehr valentine forever and alwaehs. Beh mine, babeh."

Having picked up your wallet and your phone to leave, you were halted by a call of your name, looking up at an enormous bouquet of your favourite flowers heading your way. Your heart melted.

"Got a delivery!" The female voice behind the colours called. "Would love some directions."

"Stop right here" you said quickly, walking around to step to the side where she could see you, attempting to take the flowers of her but she held on, insisting on helping you carry them to the desk. "Thank you."

"No problem" she said, handing you a card in a baby blue envelope. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Y-You too" you said, already eagerly fumbling to take the card out. In Alex's scribbles it read, Baby, I'm yours x – Alex

Your eyes now anything but dry you quickly gathered your stuff to not make a scene and headed outside, wishing that you could call him but trying to comfort yourself with the fact that he'd made sure that even without him physically being there, you would not be excluded from the day's madness.

You didn't mind the garlands on the ceiling at your favourite café so much, the little pink writing on the muffin you ordered even made you smile. Instead of having your coffee the way you liked, you drank it the way you knew Alex liked, just to create some sort of illusion, and just like that, you'd become part of it all, it didn't take much from him.

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