My Heroine

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You're an American soldier and come home early to surprise Alex.


Nothing had changed. It all looked the same. Alex's bike was parked outside the driveway and when you unlocked the door, it needed that extra nudge to snap open. Inside, the familiar scent of home enveloped you, making you feel like you hadn't just been gone for six months. But you had been and you had missed Alex so much, you couldn't believe you were actually home.

And so was he, his phone and keys on the kitchen island giving him away. The fact that he hadn't heard you come in made you assume he was probably out back so you put your bag down on at the foot of the stairs and hung up your jacket, slipping out of your boots and heading towards the door to the backyard which was half-opened and you saw him at the other side of the pool, lying down on his front, head buried between his arms, in the burning sun.

You shook your head, walking out and around the pool, realising he was probably asleep when he still didn't look up as you approached him. You swallowed. He'd fallen asleep in the sun and now his back was getting burnt. You took one of the towels he'd taken out with him and spread it over his back to protect him from the sun before kneeling down beside him on the sun bed. You ran your fingers through his soft curls, smiling to yourself. His hair was so big, getting so long but it was fluffy and messy and you loved the way the brown locks accentuated his face. "Alex..."

He didn't wake, only adjusted his position so he could tilt his head towards the touch of your fingers and hum softly in his sleep, mumbling something incoherent.

You bit your lip. "You're burning, handsome" you said softly, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Let me get you out of the sun."

His eyelids fluttered for a moment and he blinked several times, licking his lips before his eyes suddenly snapped open and his head shot up. "Babeh!" He said, sitting up quickly and you withdrew your hand, smiling happily at him.

He rubbed his eyes as if to make sure he wasn't seeing things before leaning forward to wrap his arms around you tightly. "Fook, I've missed yeh more than anehthin'..." He mumbled sleepily into your neck, squeezing you in his arms. "Can't believe yeh're 'ere, me love."

You sighed, breathing in his scent, his warmth surrounding you, welcoming you back. "Just thought I'd surprise you" you said, running your fingers through his hair. "Let me take you inside, okay? Your back is burning."

"I don't care" he mumbled, clinging to you, pressing little kisses to the side of your neck.

You giggled. "Alex, please" you said. "You can't even make sure you don't get sunburnt without me" you teased him.

He pouted as he pulled back with a sigh. "Can't put sunscreen on me own back, can I?"

You smiled, pecking his lips and messing up his hair before standing up and holding your hand out for him to pull him up.

He yawned quietly, grabbing your hand and letting you lead him inside. "Yeh look absoluteleh fookin' gorgeous, babeh" he said,

You laughed. "I just spent fifteen hours on a plane" you said, blushing nonetheless at his words with his tone of complete admiration behind them.

"Don't matter" he muttered. "Yeh look great."

You turned around, playfully messing up his hair. "Shut up, you. You just spent god knows how long roasting out there, sleeping and look at you."

"Do I look like a tomato?" He asked with a sleepy smile.

You shook your head. "No, you look so good" you laughed, leading him inside and closing the door behind you. "Let me put some lotion on your back to soothe that burn, yeah?"

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