Only The Truth

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You have a cute sleepover with Alex and Miles.

"Ayeee, our favourite girl!" Miles giggled as you entered the house and walked inside past Alex who closed the door behind you.

"An honour" you grinned, setting down your overnight bag before Miles pulled you into a hug, squeezing you in his arms and lifting you up for a moment. "Hey!" You giggled.

Alex laughed softly and grabbed your bag, heading to the living room from where music echoed into the hallway. Miles let go and gestured for you to go first. You quickly kicked off your shoes before following Alex, Miles right behind you. The large sofa in the living room was pulled out into a bed that probably five people could sleep on and there were several bottles of beer on the table. The radio was blasting Bowie and Miles ran in behind you, playing air guitar and singing along to the instruments with excited sounds. They were both wearing matching tracksuits, Alex's was light blue and Miles' was green.

"Looks like I missed half of the party."

"No, love" Alex smiled. "Parteh don't start 'til yeh walk in."

"Exactly" Miles agreed.

You laughed, shaking your head. You hadn't hung out with them in too long and you had missed them way too much. "I think I was lured here with the promise of pizza?" You asked with a grin.

"Weh was waitin' for yeh to order" he said and stood to head to the phone, picking it up and throwing it to you.

You squeaked but managed to somehow catch it with both hands in front of you. "Alexander David Turner! You can't throw things at me" you laughed.

He shrugged, grinning. "Worked fine, eh?"

You rolled your eyes before looking back and forth between both of them. "Oh, you two are impossible! You don't want to make the call, do you?"

They looked at each other and Miles quickly turned away, continuing to dance, this time swaying his butt, overly enthusiastic.

"Yeh don't mind, love, do yeh?" Alex asked, chewing on his lip and looking at you hopefully.

You laughed, starting to type in the familiar number of your usual pizza delivery place. "You guys are lucky I love you so much" you said with a dramatic sigh before putting the phone to your ear, placing your finger on your lips to signal for them to be quiet while you talked. You knew their order by heart anyway.


Fourty-five minutes later, the living room smelled delightfully of cheese and pepperoni and you were all sat together, munching on your dinner with the radio playing in the background, now at a volume where you could still properly talk, courtesy by Miles. You had by now also received beer and become a full member of the party officially.

Miles had also gotten out a bottle of tequila from somewhere and had declared that the evening would at some point have drinking games but for the moment, you were nowhere near drunk enough for that.

So right now, you were in the middle of a heated debate concerning a women's magazine Alex had found. You had all taken a scandalous test, titled "How much style icon is in you?" Alex had gotten 100% and was quite happy with the result. Miles had received only 75% and some advice to "let loose a little more to get there". So now, he was set on proving that the test clearly had something wrong with it because Alex wasn't possibly more stylish than him.

"Just face it, Kane" Alex said with a shrug but couldn't hide the smirk playing around his lips. "Accept the truth."

"Never" Miles declared, shaking his head. "Come on, you settle this, eh?" He asked, turning to you. "Who's got more style out of the two of us?"

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