Pretty Visitors 🌈

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Alex is your best friend and you come out as bisexual to him.

"Sooo, how much do I owe y-... oh ... yeh're not the pizza delivereh man..."

You laughed at his puzzled expression. "Nope, sorry. I hope that's not too disappointing."

Alex grinned. "Sorreh, I were plannin' to 'ave dinner all nice and set up before yeh got 'ere..." he explained.

You waved it off and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "That's super sweet, Al but we can wait together now" you said and kissed his cheek.

He hugged you back and squeezed you gently. "Alreyht..."

"I'll take that money though" you joked as you pulled back, poking his nose before taking off your leather jacket and hanging it over one of the kitchen chairs as you stepped inside.

Alex laughed. "I spent loads on yehr birfdeh present alreadeh..." he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I know and I loved that" you said. "Even though you didn't need to ... go all out with that" you sighed. You knew he meant well and he had more than enough and he just wanted to make you happy but you still wished you could spend just as much on him.

"I wanted teh" he said, following you into the kitchen and taking two cans of beer from the fridge, handing you one.

You pushed yourself up to sit on the kitchen island before taking a sip. "I know" you smiled, letting your legs dangle mindlessly before turning your head and arching your neck to look to the lounge and maybe spot what movie he'd put on. "What're we watching?"

"Whatever yeh like" he said with a shrug.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah but I know you have somethin in mind, movie nerd."

Alex chuckled. "I do. How do yeh feel about The Breakfast Club?"

"Perfect" you smiled.

"Are yeh sure?"

You nodded. "But, I also wanted to-..." you started but were interrupted by the doorbell. "That must be the pizza man" you said with a nervous laugh.

"Well, I'm not expectin' anehbodeh else..." he smirked, grabbing his wallet again and heading to the door.

You stayed as you were, hearing their voices in the hallway but focused solely on fiddling with your fingers as you weren't sure if you could somehow conjure up the courage again to try and come out to him. You didn't expect he would judge you, or be anything but supportive but then again, you never knew what people would say once something wasn't just theory but actual reality right in front of them? And even if he wouldn't mean any harm, you were worried about him saying something hurtful.

"There weh go" Alex said as he returned with two large boxes, setting them down and grabbing a pizza cutter to cut equal slices. "Can yeh bring the beer teh the sofa?" He asked you.

You nodded and hopped off the kitchen island, taking the two cans and walking out to the lounge, dropping down on the sofa and placing the beer on the table, leaning back on the couch.

Alex followed you quickly, laying out the pizza cartons on the table in front of you before plopping down beside you and starting the movie he'd already pulled up and paused. "Tuck in, eh?" He said and gestured to the pizza.

You weren't very hungry, your nervousness taking away every bit of appetite that you'd had before but you took a slice of the pepperoni pizza in front of you as an alibi and started nibbling on it, looking forward at the movie.

the ultracheese (Alex Turner fluff one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now