the age of the understatement (part two)

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You ran your fingers through your hair nervously, checked the sign on the door once again to make sure you had the right office before knocking.

There was a moment of silence, then the familiar low voice called through the door. "Come in."

After the lecture in which you'd basically challenged every word that had left his lips, you'd set up a time to come to his office hour and you couldn't say you weren't looking forward to it, to talking about him one on one, being alone with him.

As you entered, he looked up and gave you a nod, smiling. "Rehyt, weh'd set up a meetin'..." he said, glancing down at the calendar that lay open on his desk before standing up to pick up a chair from the corner of the room and carrying it over to the side of his desk and you saw his muscles flex even through the thin black material of the long turtleneck sweater. He had the long sleeves rolled up a watch fastened around his wrist. "Take a seat" he smiled. "Would yeh like sum coffeh?"

"Oh..." you said, watching him walk around to the table behind the door where he grabbed two mugs from the side and filled some beans into the old-fashioned coffee maker. "I-If you're making some anyway ... I could use the wake up call."

He chuckled, looking up at you, brushing his hair back that fallen into his eyes. "Earleh mornin', eh?" He asked.

You nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I have a paper due tomorrow, did some finishing touches on that."

"And don't yeh forget the readin' for me class" he added with a smirk as he prepared the coffee.

"Oh, but that's no chore" you smiled. "I actually love preparing for your class, Professor Turner."

"Ah" he said, waving it off with a smirk. "Call meh Alex, will yeh?"

Your eyes widened. "U-Um..." you said, biting your lip unsurely. "Okay..." you nodded. "Right."

"I feel much older than necessareh when yeh all call meh tha'..." he smirked.

"Alright" you laughed. "That's fair."

"So" he said, waiting for the coffee to sit and walking around his desk to sit back down, moving some of his things out of the way and opening a drawer under his desk, pulling out a large box of chocolates. "I were just gunna open this up" he explained. "Yeh want sum?"

"Oh, can never say no to chocolate."

He grinned. "Reyht? I 'ave a massive sweet tooth personalleh." He ripped open the packaging, then set down the box between the two of you. "So ... reyht ... down teh business, eh? I'm gunna guess yeh've brought summat for yehr bibliographeh" he said. "Yeh're stickin' wif wha' weh talked about after the lecture?" He rummaged through a stack of paper, then drew out a sheet which seemed to be what he'd been looking for, then picked up a biscuit and took a bite, licking the chocolate from the corner of his mouth.

You could make out a few notes on his paper about what you'd told him after the lecture, rough ideas you had about your thesis, some literature that you'd thought of off the top of your head and you smiled, quickly fumbling for your own notes in your backpack. "Right, I wrote down some titles..."

"And yeh want teh focus on the social criticism in the novel, yeh?" He asked. "Tha's realleh such an interestin' point, as opposed teh the romance, tha knows?"

You smiled, pressing your lips together. Hearing him talk when he stood in front of a full hall of students was already quite the experience, but seeing him up close he was even better-looking, even more enticing, and you loved listening to him, adored his thick accent, the deep drawl of his voice. "Yeah" you said. "That's just ... how I've always read it" you said.

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