09 hit

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hit (v.) bring one's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully.

ryan | female lead

"Who the hell is that?"

". . ."


". . ."


"Hey, babe."

"Ryan, what are you doing here?"

"I came for you, darling."

"Get lost."

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Leave now. Please."

"I always loved it when you begged me to take care of your sexual desires."

"Do not touch me, you filthy son of a bitch. I was constantly at my knees so I would not get hurt by you."

"Me? What did I do?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Oh come on babe. It doesn't matter if I hit you! You're a woman. You're not supposed to be complaining about this anyway."

"I am surprised your parents raised such a sexist fool."

"I swear to god if you don't shut your damn mouth. I'll-"

"You will what? Hit me? Come at me then bitch, or are you too damn afraid?"

"I am not afraid. I have morals."

"Yeah, right. You do not have fucking morals."

"You're still the same feisty girl I remember. Listening to her mother tell her how to speak, move, look, eat. You're still her puppet. If I'm being honest, you're really turning me on. I like my women feisty."

"You do not own me or any woman you have seen or met."

"Oh but darling I do. I throw money at their faces and bam. They'll come running after me. Besides, I'm hot. Who wouldn't want me?"

". . . I want to kill you so bad right now."

"Then what's stopping you, sweetheart?"

"My morals. Unlike you, I have morals and I follow them. But if I did not, you would be six feet under by now."

"You bitch."


"You're going to regret this."

"Let me go!"

"Fuck no. You're going to listen to me, you understand? You are to never disobey me."

"Go fuck yourself."

"Kill yourself you bitch."

"Holy shit."

"There you deserve that. You deserve worse."

"Go to hell."

"What did you say?"

"You heard me."

"I swear to god-"

"You swear to god what? Is this not enough? Do you seriously have to go as far as to hit a woman just to prove that you are a man? Is you hitting me-giving me a black eye and bruised jaw, not enough?"

". . ."

". . ."

"I'm out of here. Kill yourself. I mean it."

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