40 give up

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give up (pv.)cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure.

oren | ivy

IVY'S PHONE HAD BEEN buzzing continuously for the past half an hour and she knew why. Yet she made zero effort into picking it up and answering it. She was annoyed by it but her body was slouching and she felt like she was slipping away. After a few minutes of laying on the ground, she grabbed her phone.

They were text messages.


Can you call me?

Or Mason?


We're all worried and Mason's worried.

Please pick up the phone or just let us know you're alive.

She sighs as she stares at those messages. There were people who cared for her but why was she having such a hard time believing that? They cared but a voice deep inside her head was telling her otherwise.

What do you want Oren?

Thank god.

We thought you . . . um.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay.

What's wrong?

Read at 8:36 pm

After a few minutes of silence, her phone buzzes again. She looks down and saw the new messages.

Ivy, please.

Don't do it.

Please don't do it.

We can help you just please don't do it.

Has Mason ever told you what happens to me outside of school? How I always get hurt by everyone that says they care about me, but in reality. They don't. Did Mason tell you about the graffiti and Ryan? Did he tell you about the shit people put me through all the fucking time? But I'm done.

What do you mean you're done?

I mean I'm done trying.


Please don't do it.


Read at 8:44 pm

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