20 fair

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fair (adj.) in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.

male lead | oren

"How you holdin' up?"

". . ."

"Come on man. You can't shove your emotions away. Don't cut me off. Not again."

". . ."

"Your friend called. Quite a lot of times if you ask me. She really cares for you. You know that?"

". . . I know."

"Call her back."


"You don't have to tell her why you haven't called her in two months."

". . . That wouldn't be fair to her."

"It wouldn't, you're right. But it wouldn't be fair to you either if you forced yourself."

". . ."

"Tell her if you want to. But trust me, she'll listen to you and she'll help you out. Make you feel better."

". . . Yeah, okay."

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