16 coffee shop

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coffee shop (n.) a cafe serving coffee and light refreshments.

chéri | ivy


"Hi, biscotto. How was your day?"

"Good. I was happy today."

"That's good to hear."


"Okayish. I'm just super tired. School drained me."

"Oh my gosh. Is that your lover?"


"Ignore him biscotto. Oren's gone crazy."

"I am your lover?"

"If you want to be."

". . . Not yet."

"Y'all his girlfriend said yet. SO SHE MIGHT BECOME HIS LOVER!"

"Oren shut the fuck up before I throw you down the laundry chute."

"Excuse me. I am offended."

"Oren seems fun."

"He's annoying and bratty."

"But it shows that he cares about you."

"That he does. But he's still annoying."



"I am at your coffee shop right now."

"You are?"

"Mhm. I am obsessed with the chocolate chip muffin and the latte."

"Those are my personal favourites."

"It is amazing."

"Did you go to a coffee shop or cafe before Wired?"

"Yep. Tim Hortons. I always ordered a French vanilla, twenty-pack Timbits and a grilled cheese. Sometimes I would swap out the grilled cheese for a bagel or potato wedges. Great, now I am hungrier than before."

"You're not the only one. I love Tim Hortons."

"It's delicious."

"Maybe we could meet up there sometime."

"We can."

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