14 french

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french (adj.) relating to France or its people or language.

stranger | ivy


"Hi, biscotto."

"I have to ask you something."


"What was the email about?"


"The one you got a few weeks ago from the hospital."

"Oh. I don't want to talk about it."

"Alright. But if you need to talk to someone, I am here."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"You know, yesterday you spoke a contraction."

"I know! It was weird but I know it was because I was upset."

"Still, I was very shocked."

"Why did you not just mention it yesterday?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh haha, thank you."

"Anything new with you?"

"Yeah . . . Ryan's parents want to meet me."


"Mhm. I said I was busy but if I ever got the time, I would meet them. But I do not know. Should I meet them?"

". . . That's up to you biscotto. If you want to meet them, you can."

"I know, but I am nervous."

"You're meeting his parents after he . . . you know what. You're bound to be a little nervous."

"You are right. I will meet them. In a few days since I still have school."

"That's great."

". . ."

"I'm the reason you're happy."

"Shut up before I take it back."

"Nuh, nuh, nuh. Darling, I ain't ever goin' to shut up about this."


"No. Don't call me that anymore."

"Then what am I supposed to call you?"

"Anything but stranger. I'm pretty sure we're not strangers anymore."

"I suppose. Let me think."

". . ."

". . ."

"Got one?"

"Yeah . . . chéri."

"Chéri? What is that? A cherry?"

"No! It means sweetheart or darling in French."

". . . I like it."


"Of course. It's cute. How do you know what that means?"

"I went to a French school, Tecumseh Vista Academy. You speak French there and I just basically learned it all my life. Plus, I am from Paris, France so yeah."

"So you basically went to an all-French school and you're a Parisian. Next guess, you probably have amazing fashion sense."

"Oh no. I have horrible fashion sense."

"Is it true that people in France are rude?"

"Um. I mean I have gone there a few times for vacation and family visits. But not everyone is rude. Most people are very nice there."

"I want to travel all around Europe."

"You are not alone. I want to as well."

"We'll go together. You and I, side by side."

"You about to recite a poem?"

"Haha, no, no."

"I would not have minded."

"Of course, you wouldn't have. I'm amazing. My poetry is literal perfection."

"Yeah, sure it is."

"Hey, biscotto."


"What would you say if I asked you out on a date?"

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