12 name

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name (n.) a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.

stranger | female lead | ryan

"Pineapples do not belong on pizza!"

"Yes, they do. They're good!"



"No! You are wrong. So stop arguing with me."

"Excuse me, but whatever you have to say as of now, is extremely invalid."

"Same goes for you stranger."

"What's it with you calling me stranger?"

"You do not like it?"

"No, I like it. Just it was my thing. You stole my thing."

"I did not steal your thing!"

". . ."

"Wait, I am never saying that sentence again."

"Haha. I wouldn't mind."

"You are gross."

". . ."

"Who is that?"

"I do not know. Let me go check."

"I'm staying on call."

"Obviously. You have to track my number to find my location if I get kidnapped and die."

"Of course, of course. It's the only reason I'm here anyway."

". . ."

"Who is it?"


"Why is he here?"

"Can I come in?"

"No. Leave."

"I'm going to kill that asshole."

"Please, hear me out."


"You can not come in. But I will listen to whatever you have got to say."

"Why would you say yes?"

"Stay quiet stranger."


"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"For hurting you. I truly regret it."

"Sorry is not going to fix anything."

"I know, I know. I just want you to know how horrible I felt for what I did. I was drunk."

"That is not an excuse."

"I know. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. You don't have to forgive me. Hell, I wouldn't forgive myself either."


"That's all . . . so I'll see you around Ivy?"

". . . Yeah. Sure."

". . ."

". . ."

"I'm proud of you."


"Yeah. You stood your ground and you didn't let him in so easily."

". . . Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, why?"

"I . . ."

"You what biscotto?"

"I think I still like him."

". . . I don't want to be rude, but why?"

"I do not know . . . I think a part of me still thinks he will go back to being a good person. I . . . I am going crazy."

"It's fine biscotto. After the apology, you probably think that he'll go back to how he was before."

"You are probably right."

". . . He called you . . ."


"Yeah. So . . . that's your name? Ivy."

"Mhm. Nothing special, I know."

"What? That's a gorgeous name."

"Ivy is a gorgeous name?"

"Yeah, it is. Elegant and maybe a little poisonous."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny. But thank you."

"No problem-god your name sounds pretty."

"You are making me blush."

"I can do a lot more than make you blush."

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