28 blame

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blame (v.) assign responsibility for a fault or wrong.

chéri | ivy

"Hey Ivy."


"It's almost Christmas."

"There are still eleven days left."

"Yeah. Almost."

"For me, almost is like five days."

"You're so weird."

"I am the normal one."

"Sure, okay then."

"I am amazing."

"You're not wrong."

"It is so pretty outside."

"The snow does make the place look nice."

"It does."



"You never told me how it went with Ryan's parents."

". . . It was great."

"Don't lie to me. We've been friends for so long, I know very well when you lie."

". . . Okay it was a shit show. Happy?"

"What happened?"



"Why do you need to know everything?"

"Because when you're upset or hurting I want to help you. Make you stop feeling all of this sadness and pain. That's why."

"No one does that for me. What makes you so different?"

"Because I lo-you're my friend. That's why."

". . . Friend?"


"Oh. Sure."

"So what happened?"

"They just blamed me for his death. No big deal."

"No big deal? Ivy that's horrible. You didn't deserve that."

"Guess God isn't ever on my side."

"Ivy . . ."

"Nothing you can say will make me feel better, okay?"

"Fine. Though I have a lot of things that could make you feel better. But I'll respect your choice."

"Never really met any men who respect a girl's decision."

"Well, you have now."

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