22 truth

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truth (n.) the quality or state of being true.

chéri | ivy

". . ."

". . ."

"How have you been?"

". . . Have you been crying?"

"Have you?"

". . ."

". . ."

"I have to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

". . . Um."

". . ."

"I need to tell you why I've been gone for two months."

"Chéri, if it is something personal. You do not have to tell me. It is not that important."

"No. Ivy, I need to tell you. You're my best friend."


"Yeah, friend."

". . . Well, go ahead."

"As I told you before, my father died. He died when I was ten years old. It's been about nine years now. In those eight years before I left for university. My mother . . . she abused me. She hurt me. She told me it was my fault my father died."

". . ."

"I haven't talked to anyone or called anyone except for Oren because . . . my mother is in the hospital. I don't understand why I'm upset. Maybe it's because she's my mom, maybe it's something else. But she was diagnosed with sepsis. The doctors weren't sure of it before school started, but they had confirmed it after running thousands of tests."

". . ."

"That email I got about a while ago, it was the doctors confirming that she had sepsis. Then two months ago, she had surgery. She's had a few now, but nothing is working. So she may pass away. I don't understand why I care so much."

"Because she is your mother chéri. Apart of you hates her for what she did, but the other part of you still loves the mother you knew twelve years ago."

"Yeah. Maybe it is that. Thank you for not judging me."

"I could never judge you chéri."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Why have you been crying?"

". . . I called my m-mom."

"Darling, if you're not comfortable you don't have to."

"I know . . . I called her. She said a bunch of shit to my face . . . told me to end my life. The usual."

"She what? Oh my god. I'll kill her."

"She's not wrong you know?"

"No. She is wrong. You're perfect biscotto. You hear me? You're fucking perfect."

"No. I am not. I am not perfect."


"No. I don't want you making me feel better by feeding me constant lies."

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