38 forget

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forget (v.) put out of one's mind; cease to think of or consider.

mason | ivy

"Hey biscotto."

". . . Hey chéri."

"You okay?"

"Never been better."

"We're both hurting I presume."

"You're probably right."

"What happened?"

"You cut the call out so quickly that's what.

". . . I'm sorry. I was taken by surprise. But Ivy, I also like-"

"Let's just forget about it."


"Let's just forget about it."


"I visited my aunt and uncle yesterday."

"You did?"

"Yeah. They're both dead. But it was my aunt's birthday yesterday. So I decided to go visit it."

"How come they're buried in Toronto? Wouldn't Windsor make more sense?"

"Windsor would make a lot more sense, but my uncle passed away here in Toronto. This is also where he grew up. So we buried him here. My aunt was close to passing away, but she wanted to be buried with her husband. So we had to pull a few strings with the hospital but we brought her here. She passed away in the hospital a few days later. So we buried her here."

". . . Your aunt and uncle must've loved each other like crazy."

"They did and I'm sure they still do."

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing really, just extra studying."

"Oh, I was too."

"That's an odd coincidence."

"Or maybe it's fate."

"Haha, us studying together is fate?"

"Yeah, in my books it is."

"Oh my goodness."

"Hey, biscotto?"


"Merry Christmas Eve."

"Oh right! Merry Christmas Eve to you as well."

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