18 meet

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meet (v.) come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement.

chéri | ivy

"Hey chéri."

"Hey, biscotto."

"You okay?"

"Extremely tired."


"We're not functioning well enough to have a conversation."

"Haha, I agree."

"How was your day?"

"Hell. I have a boatload of reading to do and I have to study a lot as well."

"So do I. I'm so happy I don't have to go to work today. I would've ended up murdering someone to get rid of the irritation built up in me."

"You really are something else."

"Of course love."

"That British accent was atrocious."

"Like you could do any better."

"I can do better."

"Wait-you sound hot, say something again."

"Haha, no."


"Hey chéri?"


"What do you feel about us meeting?"

". . . I'd love that."


"You want to meet?"

". . . Nervous about answering that."

"It's okay if you're not ready."

"But what if I am never ready?"

"That's okay. I'll wait for eternity if I have to."

"You are so sweet."

"Thanks, biscotto."

"Do you want-"

"Hey Ivy?"


"I'm really sorry but I have to go."

"Oh. Do not worry! It is okay. Um, bye I guess."

"I'm really sorry, bye. Love you."

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