10 respect

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respect (n.) a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

stranger | biscotto




"What's wrong?"

"How do you know something is wrong?"

"Because you're grumpy and you said 'hey' instead of 'hello' or 'hi'."

"It is nothing."

"Come on biscotto. What happened?"

". . ."

"Oh biscotto. Why are you crying?"

"I got hurt."

"Is it your ankle because-"

"No. I got hurt. Like really hurt."

". . ."

". . ."

"Who the fuck hurt you?"

". . ."

"Biscotto? Come on. Who hurt you?"

". . . I used to date someone. His name was Ryan. He always made me happy. He took care of me, treated me as if I were a princess. But then one day, that all changed. He came home drunk and he . . . hurt me. Ever since then he has always hurt me. I broke up with him a few months ago, but clearly, he is still stuck to me like glue."

"That asshole is going to die."


"No. Biscotto, no man should have a reason to hit another woman. That's rude and disrespectful. He's fuckin' crazy."

"Stranger, I know you are upset. But you have to understand, that he is gone now. He will not do it again."

"If he does?"

". . . Then you can hurt him."


"Alright then. I have finally got the beast under control."

"I am not a beast."



"Shush stranger."

". . ."

". . ."

"You want to know something?"

"Of course."

"I wouldn't treat you like a princess."

"Then how would you?"

"I would treat you with respect."

"Not a queen?"

"Haha. No biscotto. In my eyes, it doesn't matter respecting a queen can sometimes be because of forceful behaviour. Meaning you may not want to respect her, but you have to. I don't want to forcefully respect you because you're a 'queen'. I want to respect you for you."

"You really do have a way with words."

"Thanks, biscotto. I wish I knew where you lived. I want to come over and check up on you."

"Do not worry stranger. I will be okay."

"You sure?"

"As long as you are on the other side of the phone, I will be okay."

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