36 confess

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confess (v.) admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way.

mason | ivy

"Hey, Mason."

"Hi, Ivy."

"How are you today?"

"Still grieving."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Don't worry biscotto. I'm getting through it."

"Well, that's good."

"I bumped into Chelsea again. She was raving about you yesterday."

"She was?"

"Yeah. She really wants us to start dating haha."

"Oh really?"


". . . Mason I need to tell you something."

"Yeah, of course. What is it?"

"I . . . like you."

"Yeah well, I like you too."

"No, Mason, I like you in the I like like you."

". . ."

"You don't have to like me back. I just needed to get that off my chest."

"Ivy . . ."

"No. Don't say anything that'll shatter my heart even more than before. I just needed to tell you. I couldn't continue on with my day without telling you this."

"Ivy-I have to go."

"Right. Bye, I guess."

"Yeah, um I'll talk to you soon."

". . ."

"I'm an idiot."

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