13 reasons

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reasons (pn.) causes, explanations, or justifications for an action or event.

stranger | ivy

"What a tragedy. A young nineteen-year-old was found dead in the Sweetwater River. His name was Ryan Hills, the entire case seemed to come off as a suicide. A pedestrian was walking by the water banks and saw a pool of blood emerging from the bottom. He called the cops as soon as he possibly could. We give our-"


Incoming call from stranger


". . ."

"It's not your fault Ivy."

"Seems like it. I mean it had been a week. I just . . ."

"Ivy, come on sweetheart, don't blame yourself."

"Why should I not blame myself? I am the reason he is dead. Me."

"Ivy . . . I know you feel like it's your fault, but trust me. It's not."

". . . What would you do if . . . I died?"

"Why would you ask me that? Ivy, you better not do something stupid."

". . ."

"Ivy. No. Don't."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"I can't give you reasons because you have to look around and find those reasons."

"Why can you not tell me?"

"Because I'm not you biscotto."

". . . What if I cannot find any reasons?"

"Then I'll help you find those reasons. I'll help you find reasons that make you happy."

"What if I am broken?"

"No one's broken Ivy."

"But I am."

"You've been through rough patches in life."

". . . Thank you."

"For what biscotto?"

"For being there for me."

"You're my friend biscotto and even if you weren't. I will always be there for you."

"I am so emotional."

"It's okay to be emotional, sweetheart."

"I-I think I found one reason as to why I am sometimes happy."

"What is it?"


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