17 parents

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parents (pn.) father or mother.

chéri | ivy

"Hey, biscotto."

"Hey chéri."

"I like it when you speak in French."

"Haha, even if I just said 'je suis'?"

"Even if you say that."

"Can you speak Italian?"


"Say something."

"No, I don't like talking in Italian."

"Why not?"

"Just makes me remember conversations with my dad."

". . . What happened to him? You do not have to talk about him, I am just curious."

". . . He had cancer and passed away."

"Oh . . . sorry."

"It's alright. You didn't know."

"What was he like?"

"Amazing. He always hung out with me. He would help me with anything and everything. He always listened to me. He wasn't ignorant like my mother was. I miss him."

"He seemed like a wonderful person."

"He was-but enough about me. What about your parents? What are they like?"

"Um, haha. They are not important."

". . . Not even a little fact?"

". . . They are not the best parents."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My parents can be a little . . . sexist."

". . ."

"My parents never liked me. They preferred my brother over me because he is a . . . man and I am a woman. They always favoured him. Complimented him. Treated him better than they ever treated me."

"That must've been horrible."

"It was and still is."

"Wait they still treat you like shit?"

". . . Yeah. But it is okay. I am fine."


"I'm fine."

". . ."

". . ."


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