15 phone

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phone (n.) a telephone.

male lead | oren

"Hey, brat."

". . . Hi."

"Can you pay attention to me? I need attention."

"Dude, I'm trying to finish up my schoolwork."

"Your phone's been ringing."




"Why are you on high alert about your phone? Your new lover or Chelsea?"

"Why would I be talking to Chelsea?"

"I don't know."

"Go away Oreo."

"No. I wanna stay."

"No, leave. Let me finish my school work."

"You never listen to me anymore!"

"Alright, what do you want?"


"Go ask Declan for attention."

"No. I want your attention."


"I'm not a dog."

"Sure as hell are acting like one."

"Bitch. Who's the girl you've been calling?"

"How do you know it's a girl?"

"Because I'm not an idiot."

"Could've fooled me."

"Boy-who is this girl?"

"A friend."

"Mhm. You want to continue lying to your bestie?"

"She's literally a friend."

"Sure she is. I'm going to go plan your wedding."

"Oreo I swear to god."

"You can't be yelling at me. Especially since I know that you're cheating on me."

"Cheating on you?"

"Yeah, with your new girl lover."

"I will beat your ass."

"At least I have one."


"Just being honest."

"Die, now."

"I'm not dying until you die. We have to die together."

"I'm not dying with you."

"Your opinion is irrelevant."

"No, it is-"

"Dude! Your phone's ringing."

"Got to go."

"Have fun having phone sex."


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