41 wake up

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wake up (n.)an instance of a person waking up or being woken up.


I BANG ON IVY'S DOOR as I hear Lucas taking in harsh breaths. I knew he was scared-hell we both were. We couldn't lose Ivy. She meant the fucking world to us. I hate myself. I hate what I said to her.

I should've been more cautious with my words. "Ivy! Please open the door!" I didn't care about how loud I was. I needed her to open the door-so she could ensure us and let us know she was okay.

But there was a familiar feeling of guilt and fear swirling in the pit of my stomach as I tried to push away the thought and feeling that something happened to Ivy. I took in a shaky breath as I opened the door by using a bobby pin that I kept in the left pocket of my jeans.

The door swings open and I turn the lights on as I look around her apartment. It was all shades of grey and black. Not a single colour insight. I look around the room again, "Ivy!"

"Ivy where are you?" Lucas shouts. I turn around to see him walking towards a closed door. He tries turning the knob but it doesn't open. I walk towards him as tears roll down his cheeks. "It'll be okay man," I reassure him, even though I didn't believe it myself.

I used the bobby pin and after a few tries, we both hear a click and the door swings open. We turn the light on and it appears to be a bathroom but my heart drops as I saw a beautiful girl laying in a pool of dark red water.

"Ivy . . ." Lucas said and I immediately rush over to her. "Lucas call an ambulance. Now!" He scrambles to grab his phone and I pull her out of the water and keep her closer to my body. Her short, blonde hair was dripping wet. The colour of her blood slightly dying the bottom. Her skin was cold and she looked sickly pale as if she was . . . dead.

She can't die.

She won't die.

We stay like that for a few minutes as Lucas wraps a t-shirt around her left wrist to keep it from bleeding. Tears were slipping down his cheeks. "She'll be okay, alright? Ivy's a fighter."

"I know." We hear sirens and minutes later the door swings open as a bunch of cops and medics came in. They took Ivy out of my grasp as I just stare at my empty hands. A feeling of numbness washed over me.

What if she dies?

What if she doesn't survive?

I snap out of my slight daze as I feel myself being slightly shaken. I look up to see Lucas crying and I hug him tightly as he breaks into a sob. "We should get to the hospital," I state as my voice cracks.

He nods, staying silent. We walk out to the parking lot and got into the car. I start driving to the hospital as the traffic lights in the dark blur past me as I focus on the road and the thought of Ivy dying in my mind.

You need to stay positive Mason. She won't leave any of you. She's strong.

She is strong. She'll be fine . . . I hope.

That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder as I stop at a red light and I look over to see Lucas giving me a comforting smile as I feel something wet drip on my arm.

It was water. I then touched my cheeks and felt warm tears on them. I didn't even know I was crying. I continue driving to the hospital and as soon as we pull in. Lucas and I rush inside as we walk up to the front desk.

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