24 right

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right (adv.) correctly.

chéri | ivy

"Hello chéri!"


". . . Are you okay?"


"Come on, do not lie to me."

". . . You were right."

"What do you mean I was right?"

"As in you were right."

"I need a little more context than that."

". . . My mother told the doctors to lie to me."

". . . Oh my goodness. Why?"

"To you know, "protect me". She never cared about protecting me before. But now all of a sudden, she wants me to be "happy" and "safe"."

"What happened?"

"When they called me in a few days ago-when our calling was cut short-they brought me into my mother's room and left. She was sitting there and staring at me with a nervous look. She then proceeded to tell me that she lied. That she has had sepsis for a year now. That she had to make the doctors lie, so I wouldn't find out."

"That is messed up."

"I know! Then she proceeds to say that she did it to keep me "safe" and "happy" and "secure". I don't know what to believe anymore."

". . . Why would the doctors agree to lie?"

"She paid them. A lot."


"But what's more annoying is that we're not rich. We're not poor, but we aren't extremely rich either. The amount of money she paid them is just-crazy. Which makes me think about what her job really is, or how she really got that money."

"I wish I knew what to say . . ."

"You don't have to say anything biscotto. You being here for me is enough."

"I am glad, I am here for you."

"I'm extremely glad."

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