31 encounter

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encounter (v.) unexpectedly experience or be faced with (something difficult or hostile).

chéri | ivy


"Hi, biscotto. How are you?"

"I am okay. I just have a question for you. But, before I ask, how are you doing from . . . yesterday?"

"I'm doing a lot better, thanks to you. Now ask away."

"What did you think of me when I first answered the phone?"

"That was a while back. My brain can't think that far back."


". . ."

". . ."

"I thought you were . . . just someone mean."


"Yeah . . . sorry? Um. I don't want you to kill me."

"Oh my goodness, shut up. You are annoying."

"If I can make you laugh, I'm not going to shut up. And I'm not annoying. I'm amazing."

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Excuse me, how dare-"

"Did I only come off as mean to you?"

"No. Grumpy. Attitude. Rude. Harsh. Want me to go on?"

"Okay, I was not that mean to you!"

"I beg to differ."

"Haha. Gosh, I literally cannot believe you thought I was all that."

"What did you think of me?"

". . . Hyper, energetic, annoyingly happy."

". . . Excuse me, but I was not annoyingly happy."

"Yeah, you were! You were so into having a conversation with me."

"You're the one that called back a few days later!"

"I was bored."

"Oh. My. God. You used me? How could you?!"

"I am not sorry. But yeah, I kind of used you."

"I'm mad at you."

"Oh come on, it happened a while ago."

"Fine. But I'm still a little mad."

"You will get over it."

"No, I will not."

"Sure, okay. Anyway, I know your name."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah . . . I actually tried to figure it out."

"What is it?"


". . ."

"Mason Woods."

". . ."

"I am right, right? Because I feel really confident right now and if I am-"

"You're right Ivy. That's my name."

". . . Okay thank god. I really like it by the way. You sound super-rich with that name."

"I deserve to be super-rich."

"Fuck yeah you do."

"Maybe once we're rich, then we can both buy a huge mansion."

". . . Have you actually thought about us living together?"

"Um . . . no . . . yes?"

"Do not be embarrassed chéri. You are not the only one who has."

"Can you share your confidence with me?"

"Sure. I will mail it over as soon as I get the chance."

"Haha, alright great."

". . . Your name is so pretty, oh my goodness."

"Your name is prettier."

"Let us just agree that both of us have spectacular names."

"Alright then. We both have spectacular names."

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