"C'mon you two, stop the affections and let's get to practice."
They ignored the teasing voice of Kokkaku from outside Katsuki's door, instead, focused on each other's presence and scent. They stared at each other with innocent passion and love that it made them all mushy.
Hikari's wings were fluttering lightly, Katsuki's hands were making its way towards her face and pulling her in for another short kiss before he pushed her head to his chest, directing his small kisses towards her head which made her laugh and blush.
On a silent agreement, they decided to let themselves be more comfortable with each other through subtle kisses and hugs which were very effective.
Luci was rolling his eyes at them.
Why was he being punished.
What did he do to deserve this.
Why does he get to watch all this love and affection.
Was this God's way of punishing him?
How dare they be so cute and disgusting at the same time.
Please go away.
Hikari closed her eyes and smiled, rubbing the tip of her nose on his shirt while he plays with the little feathers scattered around her wings, making her twitch from time to time.
"Are we going to practice with them?" She finally asked.
He rolled his eyes and shut them.
"They could wait a little longer. Lemme enjoy this."
Who knew he was this clingy? And apparently, he liked kissing her head the most other than her lips. Maybe it's because she was so short that he had no choice.
She giggled. It's amazing how the eighth chapter of this book was just her being a complete tsundere. Or was it the ninth? Talking about how she won't fall for this bastard and focusing only on hero work. Telling herself she'd be his competition. Welp. Fuck her then. Fucking liar. She did all the opposite of the things she said. She internally smacked past Hikari. Look at her giggling and cuddling against the bastard and enjoying his attention like a little kid. Bitch.
She's glad she brought her hearing aids with her this time. She gets to hear his soft breathing and his little sighs. It's what made her melt on his lap, actually.
She couldn't help but be proud of herself for managing to crack this boy's shells and manage to see him this soft and mushy. It's weird, really. How he manages to switch personalities between her and others, she could only wonder.
"You smell like flowers." He stated, surprising her. Gods, how he makes her heart soar with his simple words. She's sure she's very red and he could feel the heat from her face.
"I-I use lavender shampoo. They smell good." She lamely replied, burying her red face on his shirt, too embarrassed to look at him in the face. She got even more red as she felt a deep chuckle rumble from his chest.
It's not fair, really. She needs to make him flustered too. It's just a matter of pride.
"Can I.. can I do something?" She asked, smiling as she received a confused nod from her soulmate.
She tugged him down gently, prompting him to oblige. As he did, he jolted, feeling her softly nibble on his collarbone, giving him kisses occasionally. She got to the side of his neck and placed a kiss that made him shiver and place a hand on the upper half of his face, refusing to look at her at all costs. He twitched, feeling the flutter of her lashes on his ear as she closed her eyes.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...