Chapter Eighty-four

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Hikari knew that Katsuki would end up being a worrywart with her. It's almost undeniable. And it shows. She loves how he always knew what to do with her. Observant as ever. Nothing less from one of their top students.

But for him to be calling at 9 in the evening? Past his bedtime? That's new.

"Katsuki, aren't you supposed to be sleepin' yet?" She asked, hushed.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I got used to our routine." He said, almost groaning at that fact alone.

Now that she thought about it, every night, they'd go to each other's room for some time alone. Cuddles and kisses all the way. This would be the second night they were actually away from each other.

Katsuki kept talking. "How's the first day, enjoying yourself?" His gruff voice kept telling her he wanted to sleep so bad, but the strain in there told her he literally can't.

"Ah. I ain't proud of it, but there wasn't much training that happened. Well, patrol happened. But mostly, earlier this mornin', we had a photoshoot." She was starting to grin a little, and she had a feeling Katsuki knew she was smiling and simply proceeded to be curious.

"Well, gonna tell me about it?"

She grinned fully now.

"I actually got access to our photos earlier, wanna see?"

This time, she could hear Katsuki chuckle a little. She almost melted right there.


A little bit too hastily, she searched for the file, clicked it, admired herself a little more because self love is important, and sent it to him without cutting their call. She wanted to hear his reaction.

As the message was sent, she could immediately hear the sharp intake of breath he did before he breathed out loudly. By now, she was red in the face and immediately overthinking.

But before she could speak, he beat her to it.

"Goddamn. I knew you'd be perfect if you joined the beauty pageant. But now, why don't you join my family's fashion company, yeah?"

Katsuki could hear her squeal from the other side of the line. He rubbed his face with his palm, biting a grin back, also red faced. The thigh exposure was just perfect. He could only imagine how much he could squeeze and bit—

"I can save it, right?" He asked, asking for permission first and quickly shaking off his last thought off his head.

"I had it with me specifically for you, dummy. Of course you can. Admire it all you want." She basically ignored the dark blush on her cheeks and decided to tease him with a little smirk.

"Oh? And what type of admiring are we talking about?"

Fuck. This was a little dirty, huh. She bit her lip, trying to contain any ungodly noises that may escape.

"How about.. in any way shape or form?"

She heard him chuckle deeply, making her squirm on her bed. Luci was also screaming inside her head. Probably having a little panic for his master.

"Then, you won't mind if I do a little.. imagining.. won't you?"

Finally, she cracked. She made a little surprised hum that sounded a little too dirty for it to be a hum.

Never mind. Plan backfired. Mission abort. This was going to be dirty talking, and her heart wasn't ready for that yet. She needed to have all the remarks and teases ready first.

"K-Katsuki..!" She stammered, making Katsuki smirk even if he was a little red and sweating himself.

"Is that a yes?" He kept going, knowing how red she probably was now. He grinned as she made a little noise of agreement, albeit with a bit of shyness.

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