A huge timeskip here. Most specials will be in the future. Now get to reading and good days.
______________________________________Mama, Papa told me a lot of things about you. He said that you were a great hero. A great wife. A great mother.
Papa said that he could still remember how you used to sing me lullabies even when I was just still in your stomach.
How unfortunate that I hadn't developed my senses back then just to hear your voice. It must have been beautiful.
Papa said that you had planned to name me Shirogane, and honestly, it couldn't have mattered to me what you named me. But then you decided with Hikari. It's alright. I wouldn't care if you chose a different name. I'll still love it anyway because you were the one who gave it to me.
Papa said you like Sunflowers. Loved them, even. So I bought you some. He said that when you two were still in school, everytime you would go home, you held a sunflower in your hand. You had bought it from, Okoku Hana, Akaze-san's shop. Aren't you happy? His shop is still here! He told me he misses you a lot. He gave them to me for free. What a nice old man.
Papa said that you freaked out when you two first met and socked him in the face. At first, I was pretty shocked by it, then I thought it was adorable.
Right now, my living quirk, Lucifer, is with me and is also praying to you. Quite ironic, isn't it? The Devil himself praying for a dead person.
Mama, do I somehow look like you? People say that I look like Papa. It's not that I don't want to look like him, it's just that I want to at least share some of your genes. I'm not even making sense right now.
Mama, if you were alive, would you have been proud of me? I'm trying to become a hero just like you and Papa. Although you haven't been pro for long, people still recognized your name. Chako too! Did you know? She's my best friend! I even told her that if we didn't have soulmates, I would've fell for her instead.
Oh yeah! Speaking of soulmates, Bakugo Katsuki. He's my soulmate. I don't think I love him yet but I'm just starting to like him. He's a big tsundere. A softie too! Ain't that just adorable? He plans to be the number one hero and I support him to the max. Oh, right! I'll describe his appearance too.
He has spiky ash blonde hair that is unexpectedly soft, a permanent frown, permanent irritated or angry crimson eyes. His eyes, they're warm. How unusual for someone so brash to hold such warmth in their eyes. His hands too. They're calloused and blistered. They're probably from his explosions. Yet they're still soft when they held mine. So gentle and warm. It gave me fireworks, y'know? Then it reminded me of festivals.
Oh yeah! Did I mention that I love his forehead? He just look so cute with his bangs lifted up. It's an unusual sight. I even got a picture of it! He let me take it because, apparently, I was annoying.
He may seem brash and aggressive and he is, but I saw his soft side more than once. He accepted me right away. I felt special. I'd like to think that he softens up when he's with me.
Is it bad to want to feel special? To have someone feel differently because of you? To want to be the one to entirely change someone's view? The thought of it alone makes me feel giddy enough. I feel selfish. The desire of wanting to be wanted and exempted, how foolish of me.
Mama, I want to feel special. Is it bad to ask for that? If so, then I am pretty selfish.
Mama, I want to see you. Papa told me how you were always so beautiful. That you looked like a Goddess. And a Goddess you were. He told me that you, without hesitation, accepted him and his quirk.
There's one time, Papa had cried when I was younger. About seven years old or so. Papa kept mumbling your name. He looked pitiful. So heartbroken. So weak.
It was the first time I ever saw Papa look vulnerable in front of me. It made me feel uneasy. Papa always looked so strong and happy that I never thought such a look would be seen on his face.
Then sometimes, I wonder about how things would be if you were alive. Yet I don't even know what to think about it. I haven't seen you. I only hear about you from Papa.
And I guess, I won't be able to hear about you anymore.
I couldn't help but feel jealous as I see kids with their mothers, happily pushing them in a swing, comforting them when they cry, buying them ice cream, and many others. Heck, I feel jealous of those dramas where they eat together, sleep, bond and fight. It must be nice to have someone to call 'mom'.
I also felt jealous with Bakugo. He had a mom to constantly nag him. He gets to hear and see her everyday. Even at the phone! How lucky.
But I don't hate you. It's not your fault for leaving us so soon. You did all you can to birth me. And I couldn't have been more thankful. You, the one who gave me life, are the most wonderful mom one could ever have.
I have never met you but I still love you.
I'll just have to hope that I go to heaven to meet you there.
Happy Mother's Day, Mama. Goodbye.
I stood up and smiled, dusting my long skirt clean from dirt and walked away from her grave that's now decorated with two sunflowers.
I still have to visit another grave and after that, I'll go to Grenada's house for dinner. Mom asked for me. How kind of her. Maybe I'll buy her an earring.
I wish all the mothers a happy Mother's day! And also, sorry if it's a day late.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...