Chapter Fifty-one

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Her mind had already shut down the moment Todoroki had said her soulmate was kidnapped. Her world stopped moving and her breathing slowed down and incredible pace. Her eyes began spotting black before she fainted from the news and she was caught by Kokkaku.

Soon, it was nighttime and her classmates were on her room after she had done her check up and was announced free to go.

The night was still young yet the angel have already fallen. Rage filled her body and clouded her mind, not even having enough space for better judgement.

Cerulean hues gradually turned crimson, heavenly white hair and wings turned into demonic evil black, and the uninjured black horn sprouted from the girl's forehead. She yelped from the sudden pain and clutched her horns, alerting all her remaining classmates save for five who went to get her soulmate. The black blood oozed down but she quickly wiped them away.

'Calm down, idiot. You're not making it easier for me to force down your transformation.'

Her crimson eyes darkened considerably at the thought of not taking action to save her soulmate. It reminded her of herself back at the USJ incident. It reminded her of how she felt and how she was back then.




She saw Aizawa's mangled body once again and the thick blood on her wings. She gritted her teeth before turning away harshly, not paying mind to her flinching classmates and storming off outside her room.

Once she thought she was safe from the other's eyes, she instantly went outside the hospital and got ready to take off. She had heard of the five's conversation by accident and decided to eavesdrop more. She found it irritating how no one even bothered to inform her of their plan. It angered her.

Was she that untrustworthy to not help save her soulmate? Or was she not strong enough? Strong enough to control her own friendly demon.

As soon as she made as single flap of her wings, a hand made its way to her wrist, instantly stopping her from getting away. She clicked her tongue and narrowed her eyes before speaking. "Let go of me." Her icy tone sent shivers down the person's spine, but nonetheless, they still held on, not giving her any chance to slip away from their grasp.

"Hey, Imouto-chan..."

The familiar voice made her soften her eyes for a bit as she turned to the source with a slight glare.


He gulped and swallowed, knowing that there was no way stopping the girl before him. He met her harsh crimson gaze with his determined golden ones, pushing down his nerves.

"Take me with you. I ain't gonna let ya go in there alone." He stood proud and tall, narrowing his eyes as he spoke. He was worried, not only for Hikari, but also Bakugo.

She only stared at him with such intensity, watching him fidget for a bit before sighing in defeat. "Fine." Without warning, she grabbed his arms and ran, crouching last second before she boosted herself up. She gave one mighty flap and it was enough to send them over the clouds.

In what seemed like minutes that should have taken two hours thanks to Hikari's aggressive flying, the two were above the Kamino Ward, searching for where Kokkaku said their classmates were.

She gritted her sharp teeth as she gave another flap, glaring into the night sky. "Stupid idiots.. not informin' me of their fuckin' plan... STUPID FUCKIN' IDIOTS!" She roared and threw her head back, startling Kokkaku as she had almost let go of him. In such a height, he'd be splattin' to the fuckin' ground.

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