Chapter Seventy

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Me: ⬆️
The next day, still no Kokkaku, he texts her everyday though, but there was Uraraka again, which made Hikari bounce happily as she run to hug her best friend tight, her wings fluttering and flapping uncontrollably. She had gone to sleep immediately yesterday on Uraraka's room along with the owner, saying she was quite sleepy, which was really the truth, and the brunette still needed some comfort. Sleepy days weren't exactly the best when it's weekdays.


"Katsuki..? Where are you going..?" She whispered, a shaky hand clutched on his sleeve. Her blue eyes wide and almost glassy at the thought of him leaving her once again. She was paranoid, who could blame her? She didn't want him out of her sight ever again for fear that he might be snatched away from her grasp.

Seeing her expression, he sighed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to the hallways to talk privately. When they got outside, he slipped his hand in hers, letting it rub small circles to somehow calm her shaking hand. He raised a brow but didn't mention the fact that she was holding him too tight.

"Midget." He called out, making her look up to him with wide and fearful eyes, her feathers rustling lightly. "It's our provisional license course. Don't waste a nerve on me." He said quietly, bending his knees down lightly to level with her sight, his narrow red eyes meeting her large blue ones.

"You ain't losing shit. I'll be back."

Her featured softened at his reassurance and she looked down, staring at their intertwined hands. Her wings had fluttered a little at what she was thinking, and she dared herself to actually say it to him.

"C-Can I at least.. hug you..?"

Silence greeted her and it made her curious as to what his expression could be. She looked up once again, only to find him steaming red and speechless. First time she ever saw him like that.


She was about to ask if he was alright before she was roughly pulled into his chest, his nose burying at the top of her head and letting it stay there. She could faintly hear the way he took a quiet whiff of her shampoo and it made her warm. She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer and nudged her head on his chin.

"Do your best."

"Don't expect any less."

He pushed her gently, clicking his tongue.

"There. You got your damn hug. Lemme go. I'll be late."

She nodded and gave him a small smile before letting his hand go. She watched him turn his back and walk away from her with a little smile on her face until it disappeared. She wanted to reach out again.

He's walking away.

He's walking away from her.

He wasn't in her reach anymore.

She can't feel his touch.

She didn't like that.

She wanted to run to him and hug him again. But he wouldn't like that. So she simply turned away and went back to their classroom.

"What took you so long earlier, Bakugo? I didn't realize I already left you behind." Todoroki said emotionlessly, walking towards the changing room along with Katsuki and Inasa.

Katsuki only sneered at him and turned away, saying that it was none of his business.

Inasa stared at the blonde teen with confused eyes, confused as to how the little angel could even hug someone as unapproachable as him. After days of his indirect rejection, he was still hung up because..

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