Look at this baby, please. She deserves the world.
______________________________________Curtains opening, explosions thundering, Hikari couldn't hear a thing. As soon as Jirou opened her mouth, she just started playing.
She frowned, biting her lip. Luci didn't eat enough Pride. Seeing the crowd cheer and look at them so expectantly spiked fear into her heart and stomach. This is bad. Her legs were shaking. No. Stop. You can't ruin this.
Her blue eyes wandered hastily, darting everywhere, searching for something she didn't even know. Anything to make her feel relaxed and not pressured.
The crowd. No.
The far back. No.
Too excited.
The sky. No.
Too empty.
And then, the excited innocent red eyes that gazed at her with so much admiration. Her blue eyes met Eri's red ones and she felt as if the child had just washed all the nervousness away. She felt like she was the only person watching her. And it was soothing.
So childish. So innocent. Yet Hikari could still feel the fear and anxiety from the young girl.
"OH! Hero too, I am a hero too!"
Majestic white wings spread involuntarily, shocking the audience as well as herself. She flinched, almost hitting the wrong note. Feathers flew and fell gracefully, and some of the people at the front managed to grab some, smiling and whooping in delight from a piece of a future hero's item. She let them have it. Jirou only grinned at her as she shoot up a ray of concentrated light and let it explode and scatter to the sky, singing softly into the mic as to not overpower the lead singer.
"My heart is set! And I won't back down!"
Hikari grinned, seeing Eri in awe and spread her arms in joy, a beautiful smile on her face. She looked up, and suddenly, the sky felt nice to gaze at. She sighed softly and closed her eyes.
Her Papa would've been whooping and fanboying if he ever saw her look so fucking cool at the stage in front of a large amount of people while she uses his guitar. She sweat dropped. Yeah. She could see that.
Katsuki just grinned at his girlfriend who's enjoying herself, having the absolute time of her life. Goddamn, she looked amazing. Stunning as ever. Definitely an angel. And he was thankful he could hear all her vocals. Again, as expected of an angel. He wondered if her father was also good at singing. Regardless, he kept his rhythm, having memorized it all as well as the timing, and subtly swooned over his cute little lover who turned back and gave him a heart-clenching grin.
She definitely knew how to stay in line so that the audience can listen to Jirou more. And it definitely took their attention away from her. She felt calm, prepared, and unstressed. Even with the amount of eyes boring onto them.
At first, Hikari only thought of this as an event. Maybe something to get her mind off of things. But when she saw Eri that day, she wasn't just playing for herself now. Luci had sensed a large amount of negative feelings from the girl, and Hikari knew she was bothered. So now, she was playing for her. And seeing her smile, it seemed she succeeded.
She sighed, turning away a little from the mic to clear her throat and lick her dry lips. Her and Katsuki should be able to go on a date after they visit her Papa. She let out a noiseless giggle before continuing to sing along with Jirou.
Meanwhile, while playing, Kokkaku was scanning his eyes quickly to the crowd, trying to find someone with the same red string as his, but to no avail, the audience was too many. He sighed and deadpanned. He shouldn't really get so excited, especially when his string just came in. He shook his head, his fingers strumming his bass gracefully. He looked at Hikari and smiled. She's having fun. And he should, too. Maybe they could play games with Uraraka later. And possibly drag in Katsuki.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanficSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...