Chapter Eighty-three

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Picture above is actually the prototype design of Hikari. Credits to yours truly. I'll post the current version of Hikari next chapter. The "cleaner" style. Y'all only saw the messy ones.

How tf do you draw wings. And yes, you could've had this "Hikari".

I'll decide if I'll be sorry or not when the current and cleaner version of her is finished.
"Don't move too much, Tenshi-san."

"Who knew Michaelis had such a cute daughter!"

"We all knew, stupid."


Hikari tried to sit still on the chair, listening as the cosmologists did her make up and hair while someone was straightening up her dress. She internally sighed.

She remembered Yaoyorozu telling something of a similar experience of her with her internship.

"Lady Angel, I see you're quite popular in the modelling industry." Tokoyami said behind the door, his voice loud and clear so he could reach her. He was now just waiting for her to finish so they could finally do the photoshoot and do some actual hero work.

"Well, Papa was a model. So I suppose this is bound to happen eventually."

Hikari could also remember thousands of magazines with her father as the cover page, wearing all kinds of branded clothes and accessories. She'd often hear ladies gushing about him too. She smiled.

"It's no surprise at all, Lady Angel. Even without the influence of your father, you are grace and beauty itself." She heard him pause and chuckle outside the door. "Well, maybe the height isn't that much help."

She rolled her eyes and laughed lightly, tilting her head upwards so the ladies can fix her there.

"Well damn, E-boy. No need to rub it in my face. And aren't you one to talk?"

"Fair point."

Finally, after fixing the last piece of ornament in her hair, she was patted on the shoulder by the woman on her left. The woman grinned at her.

"You look so much like your father! Your mother too! Ahh~ beautiful people you are. Angels! Truly!"

Hikari tilted her head and touched horn. She looked down.

"Even this horn..?"

The women looked at her and smiled, caressing her cheek and her fixed hair.

"Sweetie, everyone's beautiful! That horn of yours, even if it's broken, it's still beautiful. As cheesy as it sounds, it's the soul that matters."

The girls grinned at each other then began hyping themselves up like idiots. All Tokoyami could hear behind the door was whooping and whistling and yells of the girls inside. He sweat dropped.

"Girls! You ready?" Hawks suddenly called out, surprising Hikari.

"Eh..? I thought he'd be gone for today..?"

A knock came on the door.

"Ah. Yes!" They turned to Hikari. "Now go on, young miss!"

She was pushed out the door and she stumbled onto Tokoyami who held her so she won't fall.

"Thanks, E-boy. And Hawks-sa..n..?"

There was Hawks, all dressed in a black suit and a red undershirt along with this fancy black tie. Since his hair was actually longer than how it looked, it was tied into a low ponytail. He tapped his dress shoes in the ground, smiling at her with his head tilted. She could practically see a question mark painted on his face.

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