"And... Start!"
The students immediately pushed and pulled each other, trying to get to the front with desperation. I, however, only gently lifted myself off the ground, hearing the familiar frost creeping to the ground. I found the ground frozen once I looked down and I took that chance to fly over to the front, ignoring the glares that were shot my way from the other unsuspecting students.
But somehow, Lucifer managed to eat some of their sins and made my wings heavy, to the point that I fell back to the ground with a stumble. Quietly cursing myself, I redeemed my footing and proceeded with running, trying to gather light from the sun to repel Lucifer's hunger.
Thankfully, I succeeded because there were a lot of zero pointers from the exam in front of us, already preparing an attack for us. I quickly flapped my wings and flew up to their head, preparing a coated feather and slicing it in half.
"And it goes timber."
I smirked as they lifelessly fell on the ground that created a wave of dust, flying over to students' eyes. I carried on to flying, getting behind 50/50's back and trying not to absorb his little Greed and Pride. Unfortunately for me, I absorbed it.
But thankfully, the height wasn't that high for me to break a leg. I landed softly on the ground and rolled, preventing damage to my knees.
"What's this?! Why does Tenshi keep falling down?!" Mic exclaimed which I carelessly ignored, wanting none other than to finish this obstacle course. It's really taking a toll on me to simultaneously focus on the match and also focus on trying to force Lucifer's hunger for sin down.
Force it down. Force him down. You can feed him later when you're alone.
"The Fall!"
It's quite a distance but it's nothing I couldn't handle. I've flown greater distances.
I continued to ignore Lucifer's hunger and gathered more light instead, wanting to fly steady. Still, gathering too much light exhausts me to a great extent. Thankfully for me, I don't have to materialize it. My light won't explode if I don't solidify it.
I forced my wings to fly and jumped near the ledge for a boost, successfully making me faster and higher. But shit.
Today's weather forecast is cloudy.
I immediately fell down halfway through this round and proceeded to just run and balance myself on a tight rope.
"Ah! She fell once again! Is this what they call a fallen angel?!" I guess you could technically say that.
Once the cloud wasn't blocking the sun anymore, I once again flew up, flying the remaining distance.
Fuck! That's a big cloud!
I immediately went to the ground and ran once again before the large cloud can block the sun to avoid crashing down the dirt.
50/50's ahead of me. Grenada's at my back and is using his explosions to propel himself up and forward. Soon enough, he passed me and went to yell at 50/50.
Then the large signboard went into my vision.
"Danger mines!"
Shit! Cloud, please go away. I need to fly over this course.
God must of heard my wished cause the cloud went past the sun and proceeded to move on. I looked and checked to see if there were anymore clouds to block the sun.
There's another big one. But it's still far away. It could give me more time to get to the quarter of this course then I'll just run and be careful.
45 seconds before it hits the sun.
I crouched and stretched my wings to full span, preparing for a mighty flap then flew away, creating a gust of wind.
40 seconds.
Fuck! Those two idiots at the front are fighting. They won't stop emitting Pride and Greed.
The sins made my wings feel heavy and I couldn't help but slow down at flying.
Just then, a large explosion at the back forced my body to go faster due to the strong wind. And suddenly, I see Broccoli-chan flying over me with an armor from the zero pointers.
Where did he come from? Man, Broccoli-chan. You sure are full of surprises, eh?
Guhhh, he's emitting some greed too.
And with that, I finally fell to the ground once again and unfortunately, setting out a landmine.
I know, pathetic.
"Nice squeal 'ya got there, Angel." The familiar accent of Esqueleto greeted me from behind.
I clicked my tongue and grinned, feeling irritated that I was once again on the ground.
"Shut up, Esqueleto." I just laughed and went on to running, easily avoiding the landmines due to the earth's vibrations.
Papa sometimes trained me while I was blindfolded—Echolocation, if you must say—so that even when I'm blinded, I won't have to injure or harm myself by knocking over things.
And it seems that Esqueleto also knows how to do Echolocation cause he seems to be maneuvering the course with ease.
I could see the three idiots at the front, now only trying to run the fastest. Almost on time, the cloud went away.
The three are now only a few meters away. I need to get to them faster.
I jumped off and flew with rapid flaps of my wings, feeling it get heavier due to my own Pride and Greed but regardless, I continued on, trying to ignore the heavy feeling on my wings. Just in time, I passed 50/50 before he got to the exit, making me the second placer.
Hah. Eat that 50/50. Oh yeah, you too Grenada.
I crouched down and held my wings, gritting my teeth once I realized that it wasn't going back to it's original weight and color. Almost automatically, I searched for Papa in the crowd, wanting a familiar face to soothe my pain and to take over my thoughts.
He gave me a proud smile once I spotted him, leading the heavy feeling quickly away. I smiled in response and let myself fall on the ground with a soft plop, very much relieved that I won't have to strain both my quirks now. I started to gather more light just to keep Lucifer stable.
I simply ignored the students that were one by one coming inside the arena and focused on Broccoli-chan.
Basing on your injury-free body and painless face, you haven't shown your quirk at all, haven't you?

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...