"Come on Raka-chan! Let's go to that cafe!" Yes, I was acting like a kid. But I couldn't help it! I just love every cafe and by I mean love, I LOVE them all.
"Calm down girl! We'll get to that! Let me just change into a decent shirt then we're outta this gym." You see, I've been craving some coffee and some cake after running for two hours on a treadmill. And once again, yes, I'm on my period.
I was already on my casual clothes, just waiting for Raka-chan to change after she lifted some weights.
For a girl, she sure is dedicated to muscles. Not to be sexist or somethin', it's just that some girls would like to spend their leisure time in a more relaxed way.
As she was done changing, I almost flew her with me to the exit but was able to control myself. Quirks are still aren't allowed in normal gyms.
Today, we decided to be a little more adventurous on our training spots and chose a gym in Shizuoka. Wanting to improve on our physical aspect today instead of our quirks. So you could basically say that for one week straight, we've been training to the bone.
I was now running to the door and looking back at Raka-chan at the same time so I didn't really see what was in front of me.
And boy did I regret that.
"Ouch!" I slammed into a hard wall that thankfully was soft enough to not make me blee-wait.
Walls aren't soft no matter their materials.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry! I-I wasn't looking a-and-" I was shut up when the unlucky guy just clicked his tongue.
"Move away, extra."
Oh no.
I once again found myself standing in front of my unlucky soulmate, silent in shock. Did he live here? What's he doin' here? Wait, dumb question. What's his name? No! I'm not supposed to be this easy! But... I couldn't help but be curious...
Noticing that I wasn't responding, he just sighed and lifted me in the waist and setting me to his side like a stuffed toy that was just lying around before going his way to a treadmill.
I was still speechless and I still didn't know how to react even though it's already the second time we met.
"Hey Tenshi-chan! You okay there?" Raka-chan's soft worried voice snapped me out of my internal banter. "Never been better!" I smiled at her gleefully, trying not to kill the mood we had earlier until we ran into my soulmate. "What was that all about? You look like you two knew each other." She stated, glancing at the ash blonde male across the room, using the treadmill I used earlier.
I decided to just spill it. In a matter of two weeks, she's already my most trusted friend. Other than Pikachu of course.
"Not really but yeah." I answered vaguely and smiling at her. "Let's go to that cafe first before I say anything. I'm really craving for coffee right now!" Hey, it was true. Food is better than love.
"Yeah, sure!"
The cafe was just across the street so it was rather fast for us to sit and order some food that fits our budget. I gotta say, this cafe is cozy. I'm already in love with this cafe.
Oh yeah.
"Yeah, so he's my soulmate." Pretty much blunt whenever I admit something so I can't really blame the shock on her face. Her eyes nearly fell outta their sockets causing me to chuckle. "W-wait really? I-I mean, you two were sooo... I don't know, silent? Ignorant?" I just laughed and patted her head, knowing she was right.
"I honestly don't know how to react when I met him at the exam. And I guess so did he." I explained the situation as simple as it could. "But I didn't see the stomping like a cranky old guy part." She stated and giggled causing me to let out one of my own.
"But I gotta admit, girl, when he lifted you up like a doll, damn. That was hella adorable." Again, I did not process that part and I just suddenly found myself standing on the side. I was too blank minded to think about anything back then. Man that was embarrassing.
"I didn't even notice..."
"Hell yeah, 'ya didn't! You were too busy ogling at him!" She said, unable to contain her cackles. I felt my face turn red at that and got a little flustered. "N-No! I-Its just that I-I didn't know how to react!" She giggled at that and just laid her head on my shoulder, finding it funny how she can't even lay her head all the way because of our height difference.
"Yeah yeah, I believe you. Now come on, the food's coming!"
What the hell just happened again? Oh yeah, we didn't even talk. It was frustrating me when it shouldn't really do. I don't even know her name! What the fuck are we supposed to do?!
She's right, you can't get all smooches and hugs when you just met your damned other half. Just because we're soulmates doesn't mean we already like each other. I'm being realistic here. Besides, there ain't nothing I can do about this shitty soulmate thing.
The old hag somehow knows-don't ask me how-and just forces me to straight up talk to her. Well, I did, accidentally. But what the fuck? She just stood there almost staring through me and not me. It felt uncomfortable and tensed. It should have been awkward but it's not.
I honestly didn't know how to react when I first met-wait, let me rephrase that-when I almost blasted her away. I mean come on! Who would? You almost blasted your other half to oblivion! And she just replied with 'oh'?! It's like she wasn't even affected by the blast and that irritated me to hell.
The old hag nagged me to death when she found out about that-once again, don't ask me how-saying that I shouldn't hurt my soulmate and some other shit like that. Trust me kids, you can't hide anything from your mother. Especially ones like mine.
In my defense, the bot just crumbled down as I was about to blast it again so instead of hitting the bot, I hit the fuckin' girl. It was still her fault for not paying attention to her surroundings and that's gonna be her downfall one day. Her sarcastic voice irked me but I quickly let that feeling go once I saw our thread.
While I'm remembering all those shit, I'm just running on this treadmill, and that's enough to keep me calm. Man, this week's been shit to me.
Oh what the hell, I'm just gonna focus on becoming the number one hero and not even my soulmate could prevent that. That soulmate thing is just gonna distract me from my priority and nothing's stopping me from going to the top. Especially that damn quirkless nerd, Deku.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...