My very first Hawks fanart!!! It's mafia!Hawks by the way, hehe. Good day, everyone!
______________________________________"Tell me why you aren't studying with your friends, kiddo. You should be spendin' more time with your future co heroes!" Her father, Hayase, exclaimed, sneakily throwing out his fallen feather into the trash bin beside his bed.
Author totally did not forget to name Hikari's father. Honest.
Hikari merely glanced at her father with an annoyed gaze, snapping her english book shut causing Hayase to suddenly flinch and sweat.
"Really? What do you think's the answer, eh?" She questioned sarcastically. Her tone sent shivers up her father's smile as he forced a not anxious smile on his face.
Hayase pouted at his beloved daughter's behavior, but he supposed it can't be helped. Especially with a situation such as his. He sighed internally, not wanting to interrupt his daughter's studying time. His situation definitely brought them stress, him and his daughter alike, and can't be avoided. Though, he knew it was going to happen someday, he at least expected it to be later.
A soft smile settled on his face as he looked at Hikari's focused expression. Without knowing it himself, he began to unconsciously pet her head and once he knew what he was doing, he didn't bother stopping it either way.
He watched as his daughter's lips trembled and her eyes narrowed, getting glossier by the second. He kept his smile on his face as her narrowed eyes turned to a glare that held nothing but desperation.
"Stop it, Papa..."
He continued to pet her soft white hair. He'll miss the feeling of it for sure. He was reminded of the times when she was younger. She'll always run to him with her tangled up hair, holding a brush and asking him to braid it. He'd also decorate it with those fake flowers she always loved. It suited her and he watched with content as her wings fluttered in happiness.
Another feather fell and he snatched it right away before his daughter could notice it. He haven't told her yet, but another difference between them is that his feathers actually count the time he has left. And so far, five feathers have already fallen. And it was only been three days.
"Stop petting my hair, Papa..." Her voice came out breathy and shaky as she tried to hold on to her small hiccups. Her vision was getting blurry as drops of water fell down on her book. Why was he making it harder for her? Didn't he know? She'll only miss him harder if he kept doing that to her.
This time, Hayase complied but kept his large hand rested in her hair.
"Say, why don't you bring your soulmate here for a study session, yeah?" He suggested with a gentle tone, he had also been trying to get himself together, forcing himself not to cry in front of his daughter. He needed to stay strong and positive, not showing any signs of regret so that his daughter could go forward without worrying about his thoughts about his life.
Hikari lifted her hand and harshly wiped her running tears as she looked at her father. "I'll try to convince him..."
And so, she did just that the next day.
"Grenada! How bout you and I go on a date, hmm?" She asked with a large hopeful smile. They were training for the practical exams and Aizawa had asked them to train with a partner.
They trained on the forest part of the ground to avoid more destruction of buildings since Bakugo's quirk was too large scale. Of course he beat Hikari since if it was power, she still had ways to go. Especially if her moves and techniques are meant for quick kills. She couldn't throw him off guard anymore and settled with a dull feather sword. She laid on the ground with her wings acting as a pillow.
"Hah?! You lost so why would I consider your request?!" He barked at her. He too was on the ground beside her. She kept him on his feet all throughout their training since she kept on giving him those surprise attacks.
"Oh! So if I won you woulda considered going on a date with me?" She teased, a haughty smirk plastered on her face as she watched her soulmate's face contort into a mic of flustered and irritated.
"Idiot! I still woul-"
"Just kidding! Haha!" She laughed it off. She covered her disappointment as she turned away from him.
Silence hung on the air and Bakugo didn't like it. Usually, she would be talking his ear off even with his rejection. He sighed and groaned, placing an arm on his face to cover it. He couldn't believe he was about to ask this...
"Why the hell are you suddenly even inviting me?!" He yelled out to her and as expected, she turned to his side with a large smile and twinkling eyes.
"My Papa wants to meet you again! Ain't that lovely? We get to study too! And I need to catch up to you, y'know?" She babbled on.
He was placed third whereas she placed fourth on the academic ranking.
Before he could answer her, Kokkaku suddenly popped out of a bush with a large smile on his dark skinned face, his golden eyes shining in excitement and overprotectiveness over the angel that was lying on the ground.
"I'll come with too, imouto-chan! And lookie! Ochako-chan is here too!" As he said that, Uraraka also popped out the bush with a teasing smile on her face.
Ahh, I didn't mention earlier that Kokkaku started calling Hikari "imouto-chan" and I also forgot to mention that he visited Hayase once and gained the permission to do so.
"We heard your conversation, Hikari! We can come too, right? Bakugo-kun?" She questioned with a hopeful shine on her eyes but it also turned dark when he was about to refuse.
"What the hell..." He muttered, a vein popping out his temple as he gritted his teeth.
"I didn't even say-"
"It's settled then! A study group it is!"
Has she forgotten that it was supposedly a date? Why the hell can't he even say no? Why the hell is he even tolerating her in the first place? Oh, right. Because he likes her. Yep, that's right everyone. He knows that he likes her. He's not dense, okay? He's just in denial. And he knows that she knows. It's a mutual understanding between the two that needn't be mentioned nor talked about.
He groaned once again as he noticed the smug stares Kokkaku and Uraraka gave him.
"Why the hell couldn't I say no to you..." He muttered mostly to himself.
Hikari heard it and got a little red but brushed it off as she smiled. "We go at dismissal, that a'ight?"
The two just nodded whereas Bakugo only grunted in response.
Let's just say that Hayase was more than happy that two more of his favorite kids came to visit him. He almost shed a happy tear too when Uraraka and Kokkaku gave him a bear hug as a greeting.
Hayase helped the two study and gave them some tips. Not much to Kokkaku since he was ranked seventh. Though, Uraraka appreciated all his advice and words of wisdom about cooking too.
Meanwhile, the two soulmates were quietly studying on a table away from the three, wanting to actually focus.
"Won't mom be asking you where you are?" Hikari asked quietly, flipping a page of her English notebook.
"I called her earlier and she was more than happy to throw me out the damned house." He answered simply, practicing solving quadratic equations on his extra notebook.
"Should I walk you home?" She asked, raising a brow.
"Shouldn't it be the other way around?"
Random fact about Hikari.
She draws manga. And THAT type of manga. She sells it online too. No one knows about it except Luci, of course. He teases her about it but also acts as the first reader and content reviewer.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...