"Hayase-san, please, stay still."
"Somethin' just ain't sittin' right with me. She ain't answerin' any of my calls for two whole days. Lucifer, scout the whole area and find my little shit."
"Hayase-san! You know your body—"
"Please, it's my daughter."
______________________________________"This is the location the tracking device is pointing to."
Hikari's fingers were already twitching, her horn was growing branches, and her wings were stuttering in anticipation. Her mind was already going blank and her heart was sure to burst any minute now if they don't make a move immediately. Her worry for her soulmate only increased each second that passed.
"We don't have anyone here that excels at sneaky activities like Haga—"
"I think you're forgetting about us."
Kokkaku piped in, raising his and Hikari's hand that he held until now only to be stopped by Yaoyorozu. "No, like I said earlier, we don't need any casualties nor injuries. What if you got caught? Besides, we all know, Tenshi-san's a little unstable with her quirk so she can't go and you know to yourself that other than Bakugo-kun or Uraraka-san, only you can calm her down now."
He frowned and nodded, sneaking a worried glance at the angel beside him. She still sported the blank red eyes, only hinting that she was either talking with Luci in her head or is thinking about a plan of her own at which the latter wasn't good at any form at all.
He bumped her shoulder with his arm, snapping her out of her trance and earning her attention successfully.
"Hey, we'll get him, okay?"
She frowned, but nodded nonetheless, now having a little more faith in what they were about to do. She tightened her hold on his hand, seeking assurance and comfort to which he gave instantly.
"Thanks, Esqueleto-nii."
She looked at her pinky, frowning as she saw the string all tangled up and going in directions. It fell limp to the ground, getting longer and tying itself on other tangles each minute that passes by. It's been like that since she woke up, and she wasn't even sure if it's been like that since the day she fell unconscious, not really having any idea nor memory the moment she lost control. Can strings even become like that? Can it go back to the way it looked like when she haven't met her soulmate yet? She's really wondering but the answer was an obvious yes.
"Hostess! What are you up to, hostess—oh and emo girl?! Come get a drink with us!"
She, along with Midoriya and Iida went with their whole act, flipping her middle finger up and glaring her glowing red eyes at the drunkard, standing in front of Yaoyorozu to somehow protect her, while Kokkaku was just sweatdropping and laughing nervously, trying to prevent Hikari from lunging at them, yelling apologies with a broken japanese accent.
They were then crammed in an alley with Yaoyorozu and Hikari grumbling complaints of getting stuck. Hikari's wings were timidly tucked in her back but still got squished by its owner and the wall. It was starting to hurt and she was only biting her lip to stop herself from groaning out loud, seeing that it wasn't safe to be flying out in the open.
Once it was much spacier and they saw a window, Hikari immediately flew up, accidentally hitting Midoriya and Kokkaku's face with the flap of her wings.
"Can I borrow that night vision?" She asked Kirishima.
He gladly gave her the device and she snatched it from his hand. She ignored the other two who was also going up, instead focusing on what's inside the building.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...