Chapter One

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Today's the last day of middle school and I couldn't be happier. The thought of finally having no homework filled my thoughts with joy and more ways of training my quirk.

As I walk at the busy hallways, let me be bonkers and do a mental introduction to myself because apparently, I'm too bored.

The name's Hikari Tenshi, and as the name suggests, my quirk has something to do with light and some angel shit. And since I got an angel quirk, I was also blessed with white large ass wings. Apparently, I'm an angel—others actually find that hard to believe—that can summon light for combat. A pretty useful quirk if I do say so myself. If I don't get into hero course, I'd probably be at the general class. It's both good so there ain't really any problem with that. And did I mention that I plan to take an entrance exam at UA? No? Then I plan to take an exam at UA.

Like any other aspiring heroes, I've also been targetin' that prestigious school ever since I've learned that All Might was an alumni of that hero school. And knowing that many others will also try to get in only made my determination to train stronger.

Oh yeah, I'm fourteen, turning fifteen next month. And appearance wise information about me that you probably won't care about. I have this heavenly white hair that reached my ass and cerulean eyes, pale skin that made me look like I was glowing, and a short—sadly—height of 149 centimeters. I already told you about the blessed white wings.

Now, let's discuss the situation of my family. I'll just say that it's not really normal—well I mean, nothing is really normal in this society. So yeah, long story short, Mama's dead and Papa always trains me to death. Despite being a little bit harsh on my poor little ass during training, he shows his love on caring gestures by a simple and brief pat on the head. It's kinda funny but hey, he tries and he gets better.

Mama's quirk is light transformation hence my light quirk. Her quirk was really similar to mine such as gathering small light particles from natural light and solidifying it. I got most of her quirk but it also gave me the ability to coat things with it. Lemme tell ya, it's really useful. But when night falls, I'm pretty much just a bird that's flappin' around.

Anyways, I've been keeping an eye on this avian hero. The Winged Hero: Hawks. He's a bit popular right now but I guess he'll be rising even higher. With his young looks and eye catching quirk, he'll be up in the ranks in no time.

So far, he gave me an idea on how to use my qui—

"Hey, when do you think you'll meet your soulmate? You said that your thread's been getting shorter." A girl asked to her friend, squealing. Ah yes, I actually forgot that this was a soulmate fanfiction.

I glanced at my thread that's tied to my cute little fuckin' pinky and just sighed as I followed the trail of red below. The line looks like a child's scribble. In other words, a mess, so I don't really think that I'll be meeting the unlucky bastard soon.

Anyway, Hawks gave me an idea on how to use my quirk. Remember that I mentioned that the light can be solidified? Yeah, that shit. I'm thinking that maybe I could pluck a feather from my wings and use the light as a coat so it could be like a sword or somethin'. Even Papa said it was a good idea. I don't really wanna always rely on the light to make a sword or some other shit. Besides, I can't even make one, it's really taking a toll on me whenever I try to materialize it into a sword. So far during my training, I could only make a shield good enough for two people.

"Papa, I'm home." I greeted once I stepped into the house. I received no answer. After taking of my shoes and placing them in the rack, I began my search for my father. "Papa! Where are 'ya?" I yelled as I went into the kitchen only to be met with a weird sight.

Papa was stirring something that smelled like mushroom soup but that wasn't what's weird. Nah nah, that's normal.

It's the apron he wore that said 'Kiss the Cook'.

"Oh, welcome back." I sweatdropped. His neutral voice is totally killing the vibe that the apron gave. "What is that 'thing'?" I pointed at the monstrosity he wore.

"An apro—"


I put my bag on the table and sat on one of the only two chairs, waiting for him to sit on the other for our daily talk about whatever. I drummed my fingers on the wooden table, creating a little tune in my head until he finally sat down.

"Today's Friday. We'll be trying the light coating you thought of the other day." Always straight to the point eh? I nodded my head excitedly, wanting to see how the shit I came up with goes. "Yeah yeah! You think it'll work?" I asked him, uncertain if it'll be as awesome as I imagined. He just shrugged his shoulders and replied with a neutral "We'll see."


How the hell does light even explode anyway?!

"I think you gathered too much particles this time."

I grunted in pain, wiping my blistered hands on my black training pants. I once again picked up the still white feather that was blown away by the explosion and tried once again. Holding it on one hand, I focused as the sun's light slowly but surely gathering in the other and as soon as what I thought the right amount was, I quickly coated the feather with it. I stared at it for a few seconds, gulping.

"Whew... It finally wor—"




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