Chapter Sixty-eight

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I just wanna say...


That's all, thank you.

Today, she sat with Midoriya and Iida only, no Uraraka or Kokkaku in sight because of their internship. Or, what Kokkaku would say internship. He didn't say that a hero made contact with him, but he still apologized an insane amount of times to her, saying he had no choice. Uraraka too, she was with Nejire apparently.

"Don't be too sad, Tenshi-san! They'll come back! I promise!" Midoriya tried to reassure her.


She only poked her vegetables, stabbing them harshly with her fork before she ate it, earning herself some sweat drops and a scold from Iida, telling her not to play with her food. About to drink from her glass of water, there was suddenly a very, very, irritating voice that had just interrupted her.

"Are are? Isn't that cla-"


Monoma jolted and immediately stopped once he heard the intimidating crack of the glass cup. He stared at Hikari with an awkward expression. Then it turned to slight mortification. Then he fainted, only to be caught by their class rep, apologizing instantly to Hikari and the others before she dragged him away hastily.

Some of the glass's shards, both large and small, were stuck in her palm. Blood gushed out slowly, trailing onto her elbow. She did nothing but gaze with dull empty red eyes while the two stared with wide eyes at her.


"I'm sorry... I'll clean it up..." She cut him off softly. She stared some more at the shards before carefully plucking the larger ones away until she got too hasty. Midoriya had almost fainted too as they saw her harshly pull one out, only for it to break on her skin. She set them down to her empty tray before moving on to the smaller ones. But before she could even start, a rough hand had already gripped her wrist and dragged her away.

She could only walk behind him, gazing at his hand that still latched itself on her wrist. It was warm. Has she already forgotten how his warmth felt like?

They were silent at their walk until they reached the nurse's office. He looked around and found no one. Sighing, he pushed her to a chair before grabbing a first aid kit.

After getting what he needed, he grabbed her wrist once again, tweezing out the small shards and setting them to a tray. He wasn't even aware that he was slightly thankful she felt so numb at the time. He continued on doing that while Hikari just watched.

Why does he insist on helping her when she hadn't even asked for it? Why is he so drawn to her? Pft, why'd he even ask? He fucking knows the answer to that already.



She pursed her lips and opened her mouth, only for no sound to come out. Why is her voice stuck to her throat? Why does it sting?

Bakugo sighed, not expecting her to repeat her question but he already knew what she was asking about.

"Hell if I know."

He knew why. He had learned to care for her in the short time they had spent together. Especially after that one night. He admitted that to himself already. But he wouldn't ever admit that out loud. Not to her. Or anyone. He also knew how her heart craved for worry, care and affection; a selfish desire she wouldn't dare say to him. He's been watching her, watching her latch her soft hands onto the people whom she cared about most, and he thought, such a tight grip.

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