This whole fiasco left all of us in shock.
However, All Might's trademark smile instantly relieved us and brought our hopes of winning back. I couldn't fly right now because my wings were still heavy with the blood dripping off of them.
Right now, All Might was fighting the thing that my classmates call Nomu. He truly is amazing.
I felt Raka-chan's worried gaze on me as I sat near Uncle's body, still staring at his pitiful form.
"Ochaco. Are you alright? I'm sorry, I couldn't use my quirk on you if you're hurt..." The gloom on my voice was dripping, earning me a more worried gaze from her. I let Bat-arms take Uncle away and rest him on his back.
I feel so useless right now...
"No, I'm alright, Hikari. Don't worry about me or any of us. A-And please don't cry!" I'm crying?
Oh... I am...
I quickly wiped the tears off my face, wanting no one to see that weak side of me. Especially my soulmate. I don't need him to look down on me once he sees this weak display.
"I'm not cryin', Raka-chan! What're you sayin'?" I forced a laugh on the end but that still didn't erase her worries. "I'm fine. Worry about the others first before you worry about me, Raka-chan!" I tried to say it cheerfully, but the sadness was still hinted on it. Still unsure, she only gave me a nod and continued on watching All Might's fight with the 'Nomu'.
I could hear them throwing punch after punch but none of those registered in my brain.
What would of happened if All Might didn't step in? Would Uncle have died? Would Tsuyu and Mineta have crumbled to pieces like Uncle? Would Izuku still be standing there? No, don't think about that. They're alive.
They're alive.
That's all that matters right now. Don't think of those 'what if's when it clearly didn't happen. Don't drag yourself down.
Breathe, girl...Breathe and calm down, girl... They're still alive and breathing... And so is Uncle Sho... There's nothing to worry about.
I didn't notice myself shaking and gripping my knee so hard that it's already bleeding until a pink hand held it.
"Tenshi-chan?" It's Mina...
"I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." No, this is killing me. But don't worry. I'm not that important or injured. Just go watch All Might's fight. That can distract you from worrying about me. "Are you uninjured?" I asked, still trying to clear my head.
I couldn't get his blood and limp body out of my mind... It's giving me painful headaches. It hurts... It really hurts... But he's more hurt. I need to watch over him.
"Y-Yeah. But Thirteen..." No need to say it, Mina. I get it.
"Calm down, girl. Don't cry." She's tearing up.
She said to the ground with weak and wobbly knees, shaking as she did so. "Breathe, girl..." I repeated what had been on my mind the whole time we were on this whole battle and draped the clean part of my bloody wings on her head, allowing her to do as I say.
Soon enough, she calmed down.
"There she is..." I smiled at her gently and blew on her face, giving her one my healing quirk's purposes. To calm her down.
"You're doin' great, girl." I continued to comfort her, choosing to ignore myself for a while. "Thanks, Tenshi-chan."
These overwhelming emotions of fear, panic and relief were overbearing. I could handle it, but the others... They needed some reassurance and All Might gave them that. He gave me that too. But with Uncle's almost death in my mind, it didn't really do anything to relieve the stress and anxiety I'm still feeling right now. My head is still pounding. My wings couldn't even get my head up. How funny.

Hey Soulmate! [(Bakugo Katsuki) Two-Month Hiatus]
FanfictionSoulmates. Not everyone has one. Others will just have to find the one through time and trust. But of course, I had to have one because this book is a soulmate au. But I wasn't really that eager to meet him. It's not like I despised the thought of...