Chapter Eight

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Heyy all I've decided maybe I'm going to do little messages right before every chapter like love messages ahahaa you guys are incredible :) 

So my Internet's been crap all day and I can't seem to post my stories urghh it's like the little circle next to the save and publish button keeps going round and round and it takes foreever asdfghjkl getting so frustrated. I keep asking my parents to get better Internet urghh :( So finally I posted this today so yayy. Lol I sound so perky right now sorry.

I'm listening to Truly Madly Deeply right now as I speak and I'm secretly fangirling like asdfghjkl seriously they're so perf and I'm so in love with this song and the boys and arghhh. I'm crying :'( #TrulyMadlyDeeplyOnReplay! SOMEHOW YOU CAVED ALL MY WALLS IN SO BABY SAY YOU'LL ALWAYS KEEP ME, TRULY MADLY CRAZY DEEPLY IN LOVE IN LOVE WITH YOU WITH YOUUU YEAHH x

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMMO!! He always make me smile and laugh and he's such an amazing talent, I love him so much gahh. I tweeted him earlier but I can't fit how much I love him in 140 characters so I'm here wishing him an incredible birthday and a very merry jolly Christmas, hopefully you're spending an incredible time at home with all your family and friends. I love his laugh, his smile, his sense of humor, I love everything about him and I'm soo jelly of Eleanor because she's got the most amazing boyfriend in the entire world but I love Elounor x

I love Larry too but strictly as a bromance and all those people saying Larry Stylinson is more than real, shoot yourself please :)

So lately obviously Haylor's been going around SO much, I'm honestly so sick and tired of it God people stfu. I used to be like OMG I LOVE HAYLOR FOREVER xx but now I'm just so sick and tired of it I'm like urghh don't even say the word Haylor. I'm a huge fan of Taylor don't get me wrong, well I used to but now I'm reading all these stuff about TSwizzle and I'm like erm, I don't think I like you that much anymore. I know most of it's crap by stupid tabloids like "Oh Taylor wants to buy a house in Holmes Chapel near Anne's" and you're like wtf that isn't real stfu and I find it so stupid how people actually believe it like ARE YOU THAT STUPID? 

So yeah I think I should shut up and get on with the story before you all leave angrily ahaha. Follow me on Twitter my Twitter name's @TrionaLaw and my screen name's Mrs Payne because I'm a huge Payner :) 

Lastly please vote and comment I love you guys thanks so much x


I'm at home, studying. I took my test this morning and I'm not really sure how well I did, but I'm worried honestly. I thought I was ready for the test but then I realised I ignored a whole bunch of stuff and spent the whole night cramming. That is not happening again though because this time I'm going to be prepared.

The doorbell rang and there was a shriek of excitement. I ignored it because it was probably one of Jess and Hannah's stupid new manicurists friends that scream and shriek at every single freaking thing and it's annoying. 

"ELLE!" Jess screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Yes?" I yelled back, hoping it isn't another 'Elle, you have to meet my new friend blah blah' followed by screaming. 

"Someone's here to meet you!" Hannah screamed. 

I groaned as I rolled my eyes, ran a brush through my hair and risked a peek at the top of the stairs. Niall smiled back at me from the bottom of the stairs, smiling that little smirk that just reduces you to a puddle. He looked so sexy with his messy hair and crisp ironed button up shirt and jeans. "Hi!" I said awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" I walked down the stairs.

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