Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Harry?" I gape. "What on Earth are you DOING here?!"

"On a holiday?" he suggests helpfully, pointing at the suitcase at his feet.

"And who on Earth is that?" I demanded. "I hope you didn't kidnap her!" I frown, crossing my arms. "Are you insane bringing a two year old kid HERE?"

"This is Lux Atkin." He grins as he bounces the completely adorable toddler up and down gently. She scowls at him and Harry attempts to make her smile by making a weird face. Lux is clearly not impressed as she scowls even more. 

"Why are you bringing a child 5 hours north of London? Are you freaking insane? What are you doing here, in Cumbria on OUR holiday and OUR cottage of all places?" I cried. "You can't just show up on the doorstep unannounced with some... kid! Who I don't even know if you snatched off the street or adopted or kidnapped or what. Have you lost your mind, Harry Edward Styles?"

"Eeeeeellleeee," he moans. "You sound like my mum."

"I'm not letting you in!" I add firmly. "You're ruining this amazing holiday for all of us, especially ME." Butterflies do a wild tribal dance in my tummy and I'm just a tiny, eensy tiny bit glad he's here. God, he really is bloody gorgeous. 

"Please?" he begs, shaking the child furiously in the process and she looks ready to throw up all over Harry's designer sweater and jeans. "Lux hasn't had her afternoon nap, her diaper's full, she's hungry, cranky, tired and she keeps crying. I'm exhausted and freezing my nuts off out here." He pulls a face. "Please, Elle? You can kick me out later but right now I'm dying to get this cranky toddler off my hands."

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, planting my hands on my hips, blocking the entrance.

"I needed a holiday," he replied.

"Can't you get your OWN freaking holiday? God, you're some bloody millionaire aren't you? Go fly to somewhere exotic like Barbados or the Carribean or Hawaii or SOMEwhere! Somewhere away from here! Why did you have to pick our holiday to ruin? Why be in some freezing cold small English town in the middle of a blizzard when you could be in Hawaii sipping pineapple cocktails by the beach watching hula dancers... do a volcano dance? Go... find some hotel in LA or somewhere sunny!" 

It's starting to snow again. 

"Oh, of course!" he replies sarcastically. "Here, you take the crying toddler and I'll drive 6 hours back to London. What am I supposed to tell her mum?"

"You brought her here first!" I shot back.

"Lou wanted a break. So did I!" 

"Who's Lou?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Lux's mum, our stylist. Elle, just please let me in!"


"You're so stubborn!" he scowls at me.

"Nope. You can't just waltz in here and ruin the first proper holiday I've had off since... forever! I need this more than you do!" I shook my head. 

"Then why do you look like crap? You're supposed to look good right?"

I start to slam the door in his face but he sticks his super-sized giant foot in the way and I sigh. 

"At least take Lux," he begs. "I'm sorry, that was rude. I'm just really really tired and Lux is starting to cry." 

"What am I supposed to do with a toddler?" I demanded.

"She's got all her stuff in the bag."

"So I'll be the nanny and you're... doing what again?" I cupped a hand around my ear, making a face.  "Oops, that's right. Barging into my holiday!"

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