Chapter Thirty-Five

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Kate breaks down, sobbing. I hug her close as she sobs into my shoulder. I stare at the spot in front of me, bewildered. What the hell was going on?? Oh God. Kate was pregnant. I rub her back soothingly, trying to sound soothing but she’s sobbing too hard.

“Elle, you have to help me. I was too scared to go alone but I wanted to go check it out with a doctor,” she blabbers, somehow clear even though she’s literally hysterical.

“Of course,” I stammer. “We can go right now.”

She steps away, quickly shoving some stuff into her bag lying on the floor and throws her coat on, pulling it tightly around her. I follow her out of the door and I grab the keys on the table by the door. The other lads are busy playing Fifa as Kate flies out of the front door. Niall looks up and instantly looks worried.

“What’s wrong?” he demands. He hugs me.

“Oh nothing. Kate is having some major cramps. We’re heading to the pharmacist to grab some painkillers,” I lie smoothly, surprising myself by how calm and convincing I sound. “It’s just a small thing. We’ll be back really soon. That is, unless we’re going to some fancy LA restaurant to have dinner afterwards. Kate’s idea. She says they’re great.  And I suppose you lads are having pizza again. I’ll call you if we’re staying late.

He looks relieved. “OK. Come back soon.” He kisses me.

“I love you,” I tell him. “You don’t mind if I borrow the Rover right?” He shakes his head. “Thanks babe.” I walk out the door casually as I can. I find K with tears streaming down her cheeks as I unlock the car. “He didn’t say anything. I said we were going out to get some painkillers because you were having major cramps. I said we might be having dinner had a fancy restaurant if we’re late,” I tell her.

She looks at me. “You didn’t have to do that,” she whispers.

“I’m not going to tell my boyfriend I think my best friend is pregnant,” I say flatly. She doesn’t respond.

She types in the address of the doctor she found on the Internet earlier into her GPS and soon, we’re there. The waiting room is thankfully pretty empty as we walk in and it’s our turn after the woman in front of us. K gets up abruptly and tells me she has to go to the bathroom. I nod silently as I pretend to read a copy of Vogue. I can’t even imagine how she is feeling.

I stare at the blank cream walls with pictures of happy pregnant women and models of the uterus and stuff like that. Pregnancy know-how pamplets are displayed on the counter and the nurse behind it gives me a reassuring smile. “Your friend?” she mouths. I nod. She smiles sadly before turning back to her computer.

The nurse appears a few moments later and calls Kate’s name the same moment she reappears from the bathroom. I get up, wondering if she needs me inside but she shakes her head and I sit down again. God, I can’t imagine what Kate is going to do if she really is pregnant. Does she even know who the dad is? She can’t keep the baby. She’s barely twenty and she’s not even in uni yet. She can’t abort the baby either.

The main door opens and a mysterious figure slips in. He’s in all black, head-to-toe with a beanie and sunglasses even though it’s 8pm. I’m so used to seeing weird people like him, I barely look up. I found out it’s best to avoid eye contact because most of the time, they’ll think you’re interested and try to hit on you. I keep my eyes glued to my magazine, not even glancing up because the last thing you need is Creepy Guy to think you’re stealing glances at him.

He talks to the nurse in a low voice before walking into the waiting area. He sits on the other end of the sofa, his hands buried in his hoodie pockets, smelling strongly of Axe. I lean away from him slightly. Ugh.

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